Episode 5

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At there house

Melisa: we're home!

Ari:I'll help nanny to prepare a dinner so called your brother and grandpa and your uncles and aunties

Melisa:okay mom

Melisa:Hey brother where are you?(PoV:why isn't he answering?Maybe he is in his room I'm gonna scare him hehehe)

Melisa heard whispering

Uncle Ray:humph! that woman is resisting to marry me how there she, if not for that death husband of her she wouldn't disagree to marry me and that daughter of her she always ruining my plan

Auntie Nicole:yeh and that bi*ch(Melisa) always taking the spotlight that is supposed to be me ME!

Uncle Ray:shhh someone will hear us!

Auntie Nicole: I been thinking about this plan that we should ruin that bi*ch reputation

Uncle Ray:what about her brother?

Auntie Nicole:lets push him couse every midnight he always going to get food

Uncle Ray:Good

Melisa:PoV:so your trying to ruin my reputation and you also the one who caused Dustin to not to walk! I'll make you pay what you guys did

Dustin:Sis?what are doing there?

Melisa:(PoV:Dustin!?) ohh I'm just finding something

Dustin:oh, can i help?

Melisa: nope, I already found it lets go to grandpas room


Melisa: Just come

And Melisa Pushed Dustin

Dustin: I can walk sis

At there Grandpas Room

Melisa:Hi grandpa

Grandpa: Hi Melisa and Dustin

Dustin wave at there Grandpa

Grandpa:Whats bring you here?

Melisa:Mom and our nanny is preparing a dinner to us, wanna join grandpa?

Grandpa:I will join

After Melisa and Dustin called all the others

All:thanks for the feast

Grandpa:Melisa, I want you to work to Lee's clan so what do you say?

(ᴗωᴗ):sooo the Lee Clan is there Clan you probably know it but yah(sorry for disturbing)

Auntie Nicole:(PoV:MELISA?! WHY HER?!!)but father she is to young, why her?!

Grandpa:it's my decision not yours

(ᴗωᴗ):ohhh Hahaha okay I'll stop meme'ming*whispered*maybe😅✌️

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(ᴗωᴗ):ohhh Hahaha okay I'll stop meme'ming

Auntie Nicole:(POV:That BI*CH)

Grandpa:so Melisa what is your answer

Melisa:Yes, I will work at our Clan and I promised you Grandpa you are not gonna be disappointed

Ari:But, you are young are you sure about your decision, Melisa?

Dustin:I'm sure sis can take it, don't worry sis I will be here always supporting you

Melisa:Thanks brother, and mom I'm sure about my decision

Ari:In that case I will there supporting

Grandpa:hahaha that is my grand daughter, I'll be preparing for your a feast for your introduction my grand daughter

Auntie Nicole:(that bi*ch be prepared your brother will die tomorrow, I'll kill everyone you loved even you)

Uncle Ray:(POV: if I marry her mother i will have many benifits)

(ᴗωᴗ):sooo cliffhanger hehehe im good person 😎

(ᴗωᴗ):oh and question "What do you think gonna happen to Dustin?"

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(ᴗωᴗ):oh and question "What do you think gonna happen to Dustin?"

A. Gonna Die
B. Gonna be alive but he will not gonna be able to stand
C. Melisa will save him
D. Mr. Banana will save him😂✌️

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