Prologue : The Sealing

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This is 10th October, at this day 2 child born. One is a girl, she is Mito Namikaze-Uzumaki. One is a boy, he is Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki.

At this day Konoha no Sato is attacked by Kyuubi. The 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze is going to seal the Kyuubi's chakra inside Mito and the soul to Naruto. But, this sealing will cost him his life.


'This is it, I will seal the soul to Naruto and chakra to Mito.'

"Minato, please stop. Our children will have a great burden in their life." Kushina said.

"No, Kushina. This is the only way for us to save Konoha from Kyuubi."

As I said it the Shinigami appeared and going to take our life. Then suddenly, Naruto cried and there is a bright light and a ten tailed wolf appeared.


'Hmm.. The Kyuubi. So my host parents will seal kyuubi's chakra to his sister and soul to my host. But this sealing will cost them their lifes... Maybe I should help them.'

'Shinigami, please, just this once. Don't take my host parent life.' I said with telepathy.

'Why is it that you the Juubi will request such a thing. I will grant you your wish. But, this will cause a change in the future.'

'Yes, I know. I will help my host to become the next Sage Of The Six Path. So don't worry. I will make sure that he will fulfill his destiny.'

'I see. Then I shall grant you your wish, Shinju. Farewell.'

With that both of us disappear.


When that wolf appeared it didn't talk but, when it disappeared the shinigami didn't took both of our lifes. But, he still seal the kyuubi.

After that, we are taken to the hospital to rest.

We didn't know that we are going to make a mistake that will change our life forever....


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