Chapter 3 : Hello, Team 7

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~Sorry I didn't update the story faster... But here's the story. Oh yeah! Mito look like on the picture... Enjoy the story!!!~

Morning, Mito woke up and took a bath and get dressed. While taking a bath she started thinking...


'Today I am going to meet my team. I hope I am with Hinata. But I hope I am not with Ino, Sakura or Sasuke.'

Then I remember the boy from yesterday, Fox.

'I hope I can meet him again. Maybe after meeting my team I am going to try to find him. I will start from that forest yesterday. Fox... What is his reason for being called a demon and what's his real name? Isn't Fox is a code name. I should ask him.'

Then I went to the dining room to eat some breakfast. My mom and dad greeted me...

"Good morning, Mom Dad."

"Good morning, Mito." My mom and Dad said

"Are you ready to meet your teammates?" Dad said

"Yeah, I am ready. Dad please tell me who's my teammates." I ask him with a puppy dog eyes

"Sorry Mito. But you must wait." My dad said

"Oh well, it's fine dad."

Then we ate breakfast. After that I say goodbye to my parents and I went to the academy.

When I arrived there I am welcomed by the sight of Sasuke being surronded by fangirls.

I saw him looked annoyed and looked if there are anyone going to sit beside him.

I sighed and sat beside him.

"MITO, MOVE." Sakura screamed

"No Sakura I am going to sit here. Why don't you just sit somewhere else." I said calmly while in the inside I want to kill her.


Then I looked and glared at her

"What..... did.... you... just .....said?" I growled.

That shut Sakura up and she sit somewhere else.

I huffed feeling happy that she shut up.

"Thanks." Sasuke said

"No problem."

Then Iruka came and started his speech. He started to read the teams from 1-6

"Team 7, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Namikaze-Uzumaki Mito." Iruka said

Hearing this Sakura shouted and started saying 'True Love Beats All'...

(Team 8 and 10 are the same)

Then we wait for our sensei to pick us up...

1 and a half hours later...


I am annoyed but I still keep calm. From the looks of it Sasuke also the same.

Then the door opened and enter Fox....

"Hello." Fox said

"YOU'RE LATE." Sakura shouted but shocked to see a masked boy who's younger than her.

"Uh... Sorry but I am not your sensei." Fox said.

"Then where's our sensei?" Sasuke asked

"He won't be here for another 30 minutes. So I think I come and tell you to meet him on the roof. Bye." Fox said

He was about to leave...

"WAIT." I said

Sasuke and Sakura looked at me. Fox turned around and looked at me.

"Fox, I want to talk to you. Where can I found you?" I asked

"You can meet me on the forest Mito san." He said before disappeared

"You know him?" Sasuke said

"Yeah, I just met him yesterday." I said

"Hmm... What's his name?" Sasuke asked

"His name is Fox. Well, actually it's a code name.'' I answered

"How come he has a code name?" Sasuke asked

"Well, he is an anbu." I said

"How come? From what I can tell, he's only 12 years old." Sasuke said

"He's a prodigy, Sasuke."

"Oh...." Sasuke said

Then we went to the roof to wait for our sensei.

30 minutes later....

"Yo.. I am your new sensei.." Our sensei said

"YOU'RE LATE." Sakura screamed

"Oh I am sorry I lost in the road of life." Sensei said

"LIAR." Sakura said

"Ok now. Let's introduce ourselves." Sensei said

"Why don't you introduce yourself first sensei?" Sakura said

"Hmm.. My name Hatake Kakashi. I have lots of hobbies. I like many things. I hate other things. My dream, I don't want to tell you." Kakashi sensei said

'The only thing we know is his name.' All of us thought.

"Now introduce yourself. First you pinky." Kakashi sensei said

"My name is Haruno Sakura. My hobbies is.. (Looked at Sasuke and blushed). My likes is, no I mean the one I like is..(Looked and Sasuke and blushed). My dream is...(Looked at Sasuke and squeled). I hate Mito and Ino pig (Sakura screamed)."

"Okay, now you broody while pointing at Sasuke..."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like few things. I hate a lots of things. My dream no my ambition is to kill a certain person and restore my clan."

Sakura squeled and saying how cool Sasuke is.

"Ok, now last you red head." Kakashi sensei said

"My name is Namikaze-Uzumaki Mito. I like my village, my friends, my parents and other things. I hate people who abandon or betray their friends and those who torture others. My dream is to become a hokage and help a certain friend." I said

"Hmm... You are all unique. Meet me in training ground 7 tomorrow for your gennin test." Sensei said

"Wait, didn't we already pass the gennin exam?" Sakura asked

"Well the gennin exam you took yesterday is to select candidates for the real gennin exam." Sensei said.

"Oh..." Sakura said.

"Oh yes. Did you meet Fox yet?" Kakashi sensei said

"Oh you mean the anbu kid from 30 minutes ago?" Sakura said

"Yes, he will also be your secondary sensei. Well, I am the one who asked him to help me train you all." Kakashi sensei said

"Hn. What a kid younger than us can do?" Sasuke said arrogantly

"Sasuke, he is a prodigy. He already put in a bingo book." Kakashi said

"A BINGO BOOK!!!" All of us shouted and suprisingly Sasuke also shouted

"Ma, ma, you can ask him tomorrow. Oh yes don't eat breakfast and come at 8 O'Clock. Ja-ne." Then sensei disappeared

'Tomorrow huh. Maybe I shouldn't look for Fox today since I will met him tomorrow.' I think while walking away.


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