Electric Shock ~Niall Horan [fan fiction]

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AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Sorry if it’s bad! Sorry if something don’t make sense!! & last but not least... Sorry if I miss spell something!!

I hope you like the story enough to read it completely! 


Chapter 1: Let Me In

"Can you leave me here?"  I asked the bus driver.

He just looked at me through the rearview mirror and began to slow down to then stop at a corner in front of a bakery.

"Thanks" I whispered leaving the bus

"I'm finally here," I told myself, tucking my bag on my shoulder.

Finally it was summer and I promised my grandma I would come and spend the entire vacation with her so after discussing it with my parents and receiving a yes from each, I took a bus from Dublin to Mullingar.

My grandma's house was about five blocks away, but I didn’t know about a bus to make its route over there, so as always I took this bus and decided to walk those five long blocks.

I passed the alley and then I came across a street that was curve and then it was straight again , on the curve part there were no houses it only had several locals like mini markets and a repair shop for electronic items but they were all closed and abandoned, with broken windows and peeling paint. It's strange that there is no one since it's just seven o'clock, well maybe it is a little late but not for someone to be in the streets, and the sun still shines a little.

"Hello beautiful" said a guy behind me.

I didn’t see him I just kept walking and totally ignored his comment.

"It's rude not to answer when someone's talking to you" repeated the guy that through his voice you could tell he had Twenty-Something years

I ignored him again and rushed the speed of my footsteps, when I heard more steps coming my way. I didn't turn to see who the person was. I just wanted to get home safely to my grandma so I started walking faster. 

"Why are you walking so fast beautiful? A different voice from the last one asked.

"Do not worry we don't bite" laughed another besides the other two.

Without thinking I turned around and I saw those three guys with the hood of their hoodies on and walking as fast as me, those idiots were following me maybe to- 

"We just want to talk to you" said that had spoken first, interrupting my thoughts.

I felt how his footsteps were advancing and then I felt like one of them grabbed me by the arm.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, when I had finally came to the straight part of the long avenue.

"No love, at least not until tomorrow" he grinned.

"I told you to let go!" I pulled my arm from his power immediately from having to kick him in the balls

"Ah!" The fool complained.

Once I heard him complaining about how I hit him I ran full speed down the long street. I turned around and there they were the three running after me.

In that moment I felt so scared of what those three idiots could do to me, I took all my strenght to make me keep running, I was exhausted and there were still three blocks to get to my destination, I couldn't give up so I had to change my course and get me through one of the roads surrounding the street, I turned my gaze back and had lost view of them, but not by much because they had seen me enter this street and they would soon follow me, I have no other options to escape because I just realized that in about thirteen meters the street ends, Where's everyone when you really need them?? And how is that there's no one on the streets right now?? 

Electric Shock ~Niall Horan [fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now