Chapter 10

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Here's ten! Hope you like it!
"Harry!" Louis shouted entering the men's room.
"It's in the girl's" said the girl who had brought me out of there a minute ago.
"Why?" Louis asked.
"Just go!" She exclaimed and they all obeyed.

Martin had grabbed the boy by the collar to them throw him against the wall.

"Stop!" Zayn ran and took a Martin from behind as the boys did the same with who seemed to be Harry.
"Let me go," he protested Martin being removed from the bathroom by the boys.
"Are you okay?" Said the boy with the curly hair.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"You sure?" He asked as he stood beside me rubbing his right shoulder.
"I'm sure thank you" I assured him
"You're welcome" he smiled at me showing me his dimples.
"Why'd you do it?" I asked him
"I wasn't going to let him do something like that let alone to hear you're the girlfriend of my friend" I raised my eyebrows.
"Your friend?"
"Yeah, Niall."
"He's not my boyfriend but anyway thanks" I gave him a big hug.
"Harry" a voice said behind us.
"What?" He asked when I let go.
"Want to get out?" She extended her hand.

Harry smiled at me and then took the girls hand and took her out.

"What happened" very intrigued Sophia asked
"Remember how I told you that Niall and I hadn't met in the best way" They Nodded "I arrived here yesterday and some guys started saying things and then started chasing me"
"One of them was Martin?" Eleanor asked
"Yeah, well now wanted to finish what he couldn't do yesterday."
"I don't understand" Perry said.
"Me neither."
"He wanted to rape me."
"Is it going to kill that sonofabitch!" Perry has smoke coming out of her ears.
"It's okay nothing happened Perry" Sophia attempted to reassure her.
"That's true, Harry was there just in time to stop it." Carter assured her.
"I'm glad you're okay" Sophia hugged me and then the rest of the girls joined into a group hug
"Shall we?"

The girls nodded and followed me to the center of the gym, but no one was there so we went out and began to sneak through the crowd in search of the boys even though I was only looking for Niall.

"There they are" Eleanor pointed across the street.

We look at both sides of the street and then crossed to where the four boys and the girl were.

"What did you do with Martin?" Asked Eleanor
"Nothing, just left him with his little gang" Louis said.
"Well yeah but not before threatening him to not go back to touching Vanessa" Liam said walking towards Sophia
"Where's Niall?" I asked looking at them all
"I don't know it's been a while since I've seen him" Louis said
"Louis right... Hmm I wonder if something happened" Eleanor said
"Of course not El! Niall has the luck of the Irish that nothing ever happens to him"
"Nessa where do you live?" Zayn asks
"By Pacific Street right in front of that green gas station I don't know what it's called"
"Ah alright. I know where you live"
"Well my grandmother lives there, I'm only here until vacation's over"
"When you get here?" Zayn asked
"Yesterday" I smiled knowing a comment was coming my way
"You're quick" he laughed and winked at me "you got here yesterday and already found yourself a boyfriend" they all laughed
"Except Niall's not my boyfriend"
"Yet..." Perry whispered but loud enough so we could all hear it.
"It's getting late" Harry said looking at his phone
"Let's go?" Everyone nodded except for me
"But Niall" I said slowly
"He should be home fine"
"Or..." Liam said quickly seeing how I started looking down "you see his mom most likely took him home seeing he did something that's why he's not here. I doubt he left without you on purpose"
"Alright fine"

Everyone starting saying their goodbyes with hugs and kisses, while I looked at them firmly receiving hugs that were for me.

"You coming?" Zayn asked
"Where to?" He laughed
"I live near you, or well to your grandmother that way I'll go with you"
"Sure" when I finished saying bye to them all, I started walking with Zayn
"Remember she's Niall's!" Louis shouted a few feet away

We didn't answer and we just kept walking without even turning to look at him. We walked slowly that made a minute for me be as long as ten, time was going by slowly plus being so quiet didn't help what so ever.

"Did we miss a lot from the party?" Breaking the silence -finally-
"Not much, just weird dances coming from the guys and the girls fighting with others cause they wanted to dance with us" he laughed a little
"That sound like we missed A LOT" emphasizing 'a lot'
"But don't tell Niall he was the most excited to be at the party"
"I know" I grimaced quickly "I feel sorry for that..."
"... You like him?" Zayn asked getting close to my grandmas place
"Yeah" I looked at him and nodded
"Niall's incredible"
"Yeah, Niall is... NIALL!" I ran toward him as I saw him sitting in the doorstep
"Vanessa" he said in a serious tone looking up at me

I only managed to open my mouth to the size of the moon, I turned and look at Zayn and and in a second he ran toward us and stood by my side looking at Niall with the same expression I had a few seconds ago.

"I can't Vanessa" Niall stood up and kissed my cheek
"You can't what Niall?!" I stopped him from trying to walk past me
"I can't be with you"
"Why not?" I tried to look into his eyes but he looked away
"I just simply can't" he got down to my level and softly pressed his lips with mine
"Is it because of that?" I pointed at his face after that small kiss
"I have to go" he turned around and began to walk away with his hands in his pockets.
"Niall!" I shouted but he kept on going "Niall..." I whispered with no strength. He turned his head and slowly attempted to smile but it stayed in his attempt.

"Come here" Zayn said grabbing my face putting it against his chest.

What did I do? Or what did I not do? Why is he leaving? Simply there are many questions without answers, but what can I do when the person who has the answers walks away... The answer is obvious I have to resign and let him go, although I don't want to I can't stop him even if he breaks my heart, without explanation there's nothing I can do, but like they say... "If he comes back he's yours if he doesn't he never was" I just have to wait for him to come back or remember this amazing two days with him as the best days of my life...

... My thoughts were everywhere.

A/N Here's an extra because I kept you waiting so long...
Sorry for that shitty ending honestly bro.

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