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《I don't own any aretwork or own batman or Pjo and HoO I only own the plot and Jason's backstory will change a little so beware》


I was brought out of my thoughts when I ran into something and that was weird because I had this place memorised and there was no wall here unless...

I took a step back and looked up and smiled sheepishly to...


Percy's P.o.v

I took a step back and looked up and smiled sheepishly to the fricken batman!

Okay let me tell you a fact about myself, I may be seven but I look about twelve from my height and I get mistaken easily for a twelve year old which is sometimes good and this time is not one of those times

"Where is he" Batman growls as he looks down at me, who is he talking about!?

"Who-" I was cut off as I was flung across the room hitting the wall, i took a sharp intake of breath as i fell to the floor

Batman came closer and I backed into the wall, what does he want!?

"I will ask again where is he" venom was lacing his last words he growled but all I did was whimper i didn't know what he wants

"Where is he!" He yells as he picks me up from my hair

I cry out in pain and I can feel the tears threatening to escape

"I don't know what your talking about!"I cried out as he punched me in the face causing my body to slam against the floor, "dont play dumb I know you know!" He growled as he kicked me in the ribs

I cried out in pain once again as i crawled in on myself the pain was getting too much, i could already tell i had a broken rib or ribs and a broken leg

"I dont know where or who you talking about!" i shouted as he only grunted in response before kicking me in the face but i knew he was aiming for my chest

I heard a crunch and i knew I had a broken nose

"Nightwing! Where is he!" He shouted and i gasped in air like i hadn't had a breath in hours

"Nightwing? He my friend your not hurting him!" I growled as i prepared for a hit or anything but nothing came

I looked out of my curled out body to see a confused Batman

"Hurt him! Your the one who's hurting him!" He growled as he went to kick me but I was quick enough to block my chest for less damage

"No! Why would I hurt my friend! I won't let you hurt him!" He seemed to realize something and I could tell by how pale his face was getting

"You dont work for joker?" He questioned and I just tried my my best to glare at him

"I'm only seven of course I dont work for him I'm only in second grade!" I shouted as I tried to get away from him

He looked shocked but then realised what I had just said and quickly tried running towards me so I curled in on myself waiting for a hit

I looked at him to see him staring down at me with a look of pity! PITY! How dare he pity me! He did this to me!

"Your seven?!" I nodded my head slowly and he took a step backwards before touching his ear

"Agent A get the med bay ready" my eyes widened at what he ment so i pushed all my pain to the back of my mind and ran

I ran towards the room Nightwing was in and quickly got in without letting Batman in who was right behind me

I saw Nightwing give me a concerned looked but he gasped as he saw all my bruises and cuts on my face

I saw anger in his eyes but I didn't care I just had to hide, i quickly took off the vent cover and crawled in while Nightwing looked confused

"Nightwing you have to hide he is looking for you!" I whisper-yelled at him and that just made him even more angry as he grabbed a metal stick and walked towards the door but not before facing me

"Who is it" he whispered so only I could hear

I tried to say the name but my throat became dry and itchy and I felt like I couldn't breath but I knew what these were Jason got them once! I took deep breaths, inhale....exhale.....inhale.......exhale

I looked at the ground

"B-Batman" he seemed shocked but somehow his anger doubled

"Did he do this to you!" He growled and I flinched but nodded but before he could say anything the door flew open and landed infront of Night's feet

"Nightwing your okay!" Batman had obviously seemed relieved but also scared as he looked around the room

I ducked I a breath, me he was looking for me!

I was thinking about getting caught when I heard a loud slap and I saw a furious Nightwing and a surprised Batman though he covered it up quickly

"You know just when we were starting to hang out you go and beat up a 12 year old kid! B are you serious"
I heard batman gumbled something and that just made Night even more furious

"Seven! SEVEN! B you beat up a seven year old! Your supposed to be a hero and yet you beat up a kid that's not even ten years old!" I heard Night sigh and then grab his side in pain and batman saw that and he quickly lead him out the room but not before looking at the cent I was in and nod his head

He knows I'm in here! I quickly turn around and start climbing in the vent until I am in the back of the house

I walk until I turn into an alley way before collapsing and o bring my knees to my chest but stop as it starts to hurt and cry myself to sleep but just as I pass out I see a flash of green, red and blue before entering the land of the dreams. (Any guesses?)

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