chapter 5

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‘’WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP’’ I heard someone screaming next to me. I opened my eyes and sure enough Jo was screaming at me with a big smile in her face. ‘’Are you crazy or something? What is wrong with you?’’ I said looking tower the clock 5.30. ‘’we have more than an hour before we have to wake up’’ I said hiding my face to her pillows. Suddenly the covers where of me and I ended up in the carpet under the bed ‘’JO’’ I screamed giving her my evil look but she kept smiling ‘’it’s snowing Eva look’’ she said and I looked outside the window. Sure enough the streets were covered with snow while more snowflakes were falling out of the sky. In no time I had glued my face to the window just like Jo had done with a goofy smile in my face. It was so beautiful and the thought that we were probably having white Christmas was super excited. Suddenly Jo start singing with a funny voice

‘’Christmas Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
I've been good, but I can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Want a plane that loops the loop
And I still want a hula hoop
I can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late

I can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late
Oh, I can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late’’

She was screaming so loudly at the end that I start giggling when we heard her younger brother scream back ‘’SHUT UP JOSEPHINA AND GET BACK TO SLEEP CAUSE OTHERWISE YOU WON’T LIVE TILL CHRISTMAS’’ hearing her brother scream Jo smiled at me before she answer ‘’SHUT UP YOU HARRI..I AM SLEEPING HERE’’ I start laughing so hard that tears run down my face. ‘’You are insane’’ I told her and she gave me a half smirk ‘’I prefer the term different or unique’’ she said with a wink ‘’you want breakfast? We can talk about your date’’ she continue and I smiled nodding.

We spent our morning talking about Ian and he even sent me good morning at eight o clock while we got in Jo’s car. i was happy for once and was planning to play some Snowball Fight with Jo in lunch time like we always did when it was snowing…in days like this she and I were hanging out with almost everyone in this school since we would came up with the craziest ideas to play with snow and people wanted to join us…which was cool with me.

Once she parked we walked tower the school and everyone was already smiling at us…probably knowing we would end up doing something crazy. Once we managed to hide our principles car under the snow while another we used the snow on cars so we could ski. We walked tower the building talking about our plans when I saw Rick with the same pretty girl in his arms and froze. Today was good so why he had to appear in front of me and destroy everything? I hadn’t even though about his words in the woods yesterday or my desperate attempt to change his mind…but now all I was thinking was how weak I must look in his eyes. The same eyes that when we were younger promised to always keep me safe. I turned my look away and saw Jo looking with hate the girl. Like it is her fault I am in pain. ‘’What’s with the look?’’ I said and she turned to me giving me a crazy smile ‘’What look?’’ she asked acting confused…that is weird ‘’The I am going to rip you in pieces look you just gave her’’ ‘’To who?’’ I rolled my eyes irritated ‘’Jo are you kidding me? to that girl’’ I said pointing with my eyes ‘’Who Emma?’’ she asked and I was surprised she knew the name ‘’Yea I guess’’ I said non challenging ‘’ I just don’t like her’’ she answered walking away. I run behind her confused. Jo wasn’t the person who would like or dislike someone…she just didn’t care much to met anyone so it was weird that she didn’t like that girl. ‘’May I ask why?’’ ‘’Well she is snob and fake’’ she answered while taking her seat ‘’And you know that how?’’ ‘’Please Eva drop it…it is not like I have to like the girl that took your place in Rick’s life’’ she said and I nodded ‘’I guess’’ was all I said before the class started.

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