chapter 9

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We reach the square after a few minutes and saw Rick was already talking. I couldn’t but notice he was wearing no shirt and looked way more muscular than the last time I saw him. Could have been just yesterday? He looked so beastly and wild right now while only yesterday he looked cute and sweet. I have to admit I felt more attractive to him than ever and it really bothered me.

’I AM YOUR NEW ALPHA SO YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR I WILL MAKE YOU’’ ok it is just me or his Alpha voice is way too sexy I thought while Jo rolled her eyes in his words. ‘’THE RULES ARE SIMPLE AND I EXPECT YOU TO FOLLOW THEM WITH NO QUESTIONS’’ He continued and I shiver from just hearing his voice. Control yourself Eva he isn’t yours…Ian is yours. ‘These ARE BULLSHIT….IF YOU EXPECT FROM US TO FOLLOW YOU AROUND WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION THEN you DEFINITELY have delusions ‘’screamed Jo from next to me and I gasped.

It was way different to disrespect him in private and while he was a future Alpha and way more different to talk to him like that in front of the pack in his first speech as an Alpha. I still couldn’t believe he killed his father....... but I am sure there are a lot of things behind this challenge than I know….i mean Alpha Jared is..i mean was very violent so maybe this happened in self defense or something. I watch him growl at her in such a way that I could literally pee myself from fear…well if it wasn’t turning me on. Ok I am official sick and a freak I thought while I saw Jo flinch. Wait did she just reacted in his Alpha growl…Jo always seemed weirdly unaffected from the Alphas. I watch him walk tower her with golden eyes and fangs exposed and I gasped…he seemed deadly but I am sure he wouldn’t hurt her…right? ‘'Submit’’ he growled and she shook her head no while taking baby steps back. I wanted to scream to her to do as he said but I couldn’t find my voice ‘’SUBMIT’’  he screamed in her face and she shook her head no once again. ‘’Jo?’’ I whispered just a second before Rick turn in his giant black wolf. He was tall almost 7 feet and muscular with big fangs and golden eyes….he was beautiful but in the same time so deadly. I watched with wide eyes as Jo turned in her Golden red wolf that was hardly 5 feet tall and really skinny and made a run to the forest. She was fast for an Omega but I bet he was faster. He growled at her as she disappeared and I gasped….i knew how this would end but I couldn’t make myself believe it. I saw him run behind her and a few minutes later we heard a loud scream…like someone was in pain before silence took over.

This can't be happening; this can’t be happening I thought as Rick got naked Out of the woods with blood all over him. ‘’Does anyone else want to disrespect me?’’ he asked in a calm and deadly voice. I heard someone screaming and I turned around to see Vera in her knees with tears in her eyes as a fourteen year old Harris was holding her with tears in his face. I turned my head tower Rick feeling my eyes sting and my heart heavy in my chest ‘’Jo?’’ was all I said before he gives me a hard look ‘’She is dead my Luna’’ was all I heard before I felt myself fall and darkness took over.

I woke up with a head ache but refused to open my eyes. Opening my eyes would mean I would have to face the reality….and my reality was too ugly for me to handle. For the last two weeks all I do is stay at my bed and cry myself to sleep hoping that when I would wake up I will realize that this was just a nightmare…a scary, terrible nightmare. But every time I would wake up the nightmare wouldn’t end.

But even when I was sleeping I couldn’t find some peace. I would still hear Vera’s crying and Jo’s last scream in my dreams….i would still see Rick covered in her blood and Harris trying to stay strong but falling when his own tears would run down his cheeks.

Rick said she disrespected him and he lost his wolf control, that he didn’t know how to control him but watching me fainting gave him back the control. He said he was terrible sorry for what he did and he needed me by his side so he could lead the pack and not turn into a monster. He begged me to forgive him but I just couldn’t hear him….all I could think of was Jo’s scream.

I never saw her body since we didn’t made a funeral for her to know how badly he broke her….remembering with all that blood on him I bet it wasn’t a gently kill….she suffered. I am in some way glad that I didn’t saw her body…now I can remember her just like she always was. With big chocolate brown eyes full of life, with long brown hair and a big smile….with her high cheek bones and her perfect teeth…the girl that even the queen bee Samantha was jealous of her beauty. i know that if I would see her broken body and her lifeless face I would brake….i can’t remember her like that….i refuse to remember her like that. Josephina Pierce was the smartest and kinder person I had the honor to meet….

‘’Honey?’’ I hear my mom’s voice but I act like I haven’t ‘’I am going to work…would you like to bring you anything?’’ she asks and I want to scream yes…I want Jo. But I know she can’t bring her back…no one can. I stay silent and she sighs ‘’Ok baby…please eat something while I am out. I baked pizza for you’’ she said with a happy smile and I hugged my pillow closer to me. Jo loved pizza…she used to say that one day she will die cause of eating too much pizza…it would be a happy death. I hear her coming closer to me and I feel her kiss my head ‘’It’s really unhealthy what you are doing….Jo wouldn’t want you to cry all day like this’’ she said and I stiffen. Even hearing her name brought new tears in my eyes. Plus no one knows what she would like…she would probably want me to get it over in any way I want to….cause she always wanted me to make my own choices and live my own life…. My mom left the room and I let new tear to drop down my face. i wish Ian was here to hold me and comfort me….but I couldn’t have that either….Rick took everything away from me once again.

The new rules were simple. We were all even so the Omega’s weren’t worse than dirt which was good. The territory was now patrolled 24/7  from the warriors, fighters hunters so no rogues or vampires get in our territory plus everyone was suppose to get at least four hours the day training….he acted like we were going to war or something. For me there was also a rule that didn’t allowed me to left the pack territory, he took my phone and laptop so I hadn’t talked with Ian since the day…she died. i felt like I was dead as well….i couldn’t fel a thing…not love for Ian or hate for Rick…the only thing I felt was grief….she was gone and for once I couldn’t follow her….even if I was I wish could.

Rick’s P.O.V

‘’You said you could handle it….you said you could find a way out’’ I said to the phone ‘’I know it is for the best….No it’s been two weeks and you got almost nothing I will tell her…Please don’t make me do this…she hates me’’ I whisper the last part and she sighs in the other side of the phone ‘’She is in pain…she needs you. Please it didn’t work out we can find another way’’ I heard her speak and growl ‘’No keep that bloodsucker out of it….i don’t know. Haven’t seen her since yesterday…she is like dead….well do something’’ this was suppose to work in order to keep Eva safe not make her hate me….still all I feel is her hater he dead one true then Emma is…wow I did not see that coming. Fine we will do it your way. she will kill you the moment she finds out you are alive Jo you know that right?’’  I know what choice do I have? By the way your dad is really irritated…I chuckled ‘’Yea he is. Just be careful ok? I prefer to tell her that we set that up to safe her and you pretended the dead one rather that telling her you died trying to find the first vampire’’ sure whatever Rick….just keep her safe for a little longer ok? ‘’ok’’ I answered and I could almost hear her smile I knew you aren’t too bad. Were her last words before she cuts the line….i just hope what she found was true or else we are all dead.

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