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Zarah's P.O.V

As soon as we came back we went straight to the part where we stay and barged into Ya Mahmud's room.

He wasn't in the room but we heard the shower so we sat on the his bed waiting for him.

He came out with his towel around his waist water dripping from his hair . He hasn't seen us yet but Jiddah is blushing really hard Asmi and Hajar are looking around the room trying to avoid him and me.

Well I'm trying to stifle my laughter. He made his way to his walk in closet totally oblivious to us.

Once he came out and was coming towards where we were that was the moment the scream fest began.

"AHHHHH!!!" Ya Mahmud screamed "Ahhh!!!!!" Jiddah Asmi and Hajar screamed and it continued back and forth while I was laughing to the point of tears.

Finally Ya Mahmud got some sense and ran, yes ran to the bathroom. The trio went to the living room their faces flustered while I continued to laugh.

I stopped and was about to stand up when I saw Ya Mahmud peeping through the door.

"Their gone" i said. He carefully came out just to make sure they were actually gone.

"Why the hell will you guys be in my room?" He said sitting down on the bed. "Oh about that we came for answers a whole bunch of them." I said.

He looked at me with his left eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. "Just.." I pointed to him

"...get ready and meet us in the living room." With that I left to meet the girls.

I sat on the two seater beside Jiddah as we waited for Ya Mahmud. "Salam girls ." Ya Mahmud said coming out of his room in a grey Jallabiya.

"Wassalam." Their reply was barely audible as they were trying to avoid ya Mahmud's gaze. I laughed silently.

"Sooo Zarah you said you wanted answers. Answers to what exactly?" He said getting straight to the point.

"I know for one you contacted Mr Mike our private investigator when we were coming here."

I paused to read his expression "my question is why?" I said laying back my hands on the armrest.

He shrugged "because we haven't been in Nigeria for a while so I was taking safety precautions.

I looked at the girls they to knew he was lying. "Exactly why are you taking safety precautions so far only goons have chased us"

this time Jiddah spoke knowing he is going to spill the beans now.

"UNCLE KASSIM HIRED....." then he stopped realizing what he was saying.

I smirked in satisfaction looking at the girls.

"We have enough for now" Asmi said and we ambled out taking some havilla bags with us and leaving six two for each of us.

We went to the main part only to see Ammi on her way to our side.

"Ammi!!" We all screamed hugging her. Yeah Hauwa and I have become really close to her.

She laughed heartily "I'm old and fragile please don't break me!" "Oops." We said and released her.

"Look what we got!" Hajar said as we raised the Havilla bags up. She smiled "may Allah bless you guys." We all chorused ameen .

"Ammi what were you going to do." "Oh yes I was coming to call you down for dinner."

We nodded and we went to the kitchen to first keep the bags then we went to the dining hall.

I pecked Ummah and Abba and hugged Inna. Hajar and Asmi did the same for their parents.

I looked over at Hauwa and she looked awkward.

I pushed her towards Ummah and she engulfed her in a hug. Abba did the same and we sat down waiting for Ammi so we could have dinner.

We heard shouting and series of insult words then an angry Ammi came into the dining hall and sat down.

She called one of the maids and instructed her to take a Havilla bag to whoever she was talking to.

The maid came back and whispered something into Ammi's ear which only made her more angry. We were all looking at her with worried faces.

She noticed and plastered a smile on her face "bismillah." She said. We dug in not totally convinced she was alright.

After dinner she called all the maids and instructed them on something.

Once they were all done and retired to their sleeping quarters she locked the door to the kitchen. We all looked at her confused. "Ammi is something wrong?" Abba asked the question that was on our minds.

"Nothing is wrong you guys should go to bed it's already late." She said and went to her room.

Asmi, Hajar, Jiddah and I went to the living room in the main part.

"Who noticed Ammi just now I'm sure it was Mina that made her angry. That spoilt brat is always....ugh!" Asmi said as soon as we sat down.

"Forget about her who is Uncle Kassim?" Jiddah asked referring to what Ya Mahmud said earlier.

Hajar and Asmi went into thinking more until Hajar's face molded into a shocked expression.

"WHAT?!?!" We asked at the same time. "UNCLE Kassim is Mina's dad." Hajar said scared.

"Do you remember that time Ammi was telling us about how he killed one of our family members parents he may....." Hajar said trembling in fear unable to complete her sentence.

I kept shut. Maybe just maybe she is talking about Ya Mahmud.

He never really told us how his parents died or is it just me that doesn't know.

"I hear footsteps shh." Hauwa whispered yelled. We all kept mum as we saw someone ascending down the stairway leading to the second floor.

"If it isn't that rat who would it be!" Asmi exclaimed as Mina came into view heading toward the kitchen. She hasn't seen us yet and we kept it that way.

We watched as she asked the maid something then made her way to the kitchen. The kitchen that Ammi locked!

"I said it Ammi locked the kitchen cause of this idiot." Asmi said. This is gonna be good.

We watched as she rattled the door knob before kicking it and storming back to where she came from.

Once she was out of site we bursted into laughter "did you see how she looked!" Hajar said. We laughed till tears were streaming down our faces.

We finally sobered up "lets call it a night we'll talk more tomorrow In sha Allah." I said. They all agreed and Jiddah and I made our way to our part.

The six Havila bags weren't there so Ya Mahmud probably put them in the freezer.

I went into my room took a quick shower dressed up in my pjs and laid in my bed waiting for my over thinking brain to take me to La la land

kamilah_muk come and take your chapter. Are you happy now.

You guys know the part where Mina was kicking the door. It was initially meant to be high tech security but that was to cliche so I settled for d locking door😂😂

No long talks today just don't forget to




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