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Zarah's P.O.V

As soon as we arrived home. Ya Mahmud helped me out of the car as I was still weak and walked into the house.

The first things we saw were tired-looking Ummah and Abba as the sat on the couch probably waiting for us.

With newfound energy, I ran and hugged them both tears spilling from my eyes.

I cleaned my tears. "Are you okay? How did you escape? Are you hurt?" I bombarded them with questions.

"Calm down dear we are alright there is no cause to worry, " Abba said.

I examined them from head to toe and noticed a bandage around Umma's foot.

My eyes widened "Umma what happened to your foot?!" I exclaimed. "It's nothing Zarah I just stepped on a thorn, " she said.

I stared in disbelief. Just then the home phone rang and I looked at it. It will surely be the kidnappers no doubt.

I gingerly went over and picked it up putting it on speaker. The first thing heard was tsk tsk tsk.

"You think you can escape easily huh, well I'm sorry to disappoint but you won't know what hit you next time. Didn't you find it easy to get out, almost too easy, I will watch my back if I were you because you got another thing coming, " and with that, the line went dead.

I was really starting to get scared. Whoever this uncle Kassim is l, he is one heck of a dude and not someone to be messed with.

But the question is what is he after? I've asked myself this question so many times but always end up at a dead and a splitting headache.

I ran upstairs and straight to Ammi's room despite my health and alhamdulillah she was still in bed. I sat at the stool beside her bed.

The nurse was nowhere insight and I'm glad. Am I must have sent her somewhere.

I gasped as the person can't into view. "Ammi!!!" She hit my arm lightly. "Shh don't you know people are still asleep and you're screaming!" She scolded whispering. I nodded my hand placing my finger on my lips.

"But Ammi how?" I asked. Behind how were many questions awaiting answers.

She pulled me and we sat on my bed "I was never in a come, I told the doctor to tell you that because I wanted to find out something, yes I was poisoned and I wanted to find out who was behind,

Most times I'm the one who removed the mask so I could sleep with ease but then I forget to place it back in place, for now, you have to keep this a secret, your the only one in trusting with this and I don't want anything to go wrong, " I nodded and she left.

End of flashback

I first stood up and locked the door then woke Ammi up.

She went to her en suite and washed her face then she came and sat beside me.

"Ammi the guy who kidnapped Ummah and Abba called again!" I said my voice low as soon as the surface of her butt touched the bed.

"What did he say now?" She asked.

"That we should be careful because we got another thing coming, " I said frightened.

She hummed and kept quiet. She was deep in thought when she spoke. "We need to increase the security, check all the maids and workers in case they may be working with them but that should be done secretly and the guards should be on duty twenty for hours, suggest this to your dad hell not what to do, " I nodded slowly digesting all that she said.

I bid her farewell, made sure she was back in place and everything was normal before unlocking the door and heading straight to Abba and Ummah wherever they may be.

I met them seated in the private living room. I sat down opposite them on the soft fluffy carpet.

"Abba am..." I caught hold of myself before I let the cat out of the bag. They looked at me weirdly before I continued talking.

"Abba maybe we should increase the security and search all the maids secretly for any suspicious things. The security should also be on guard twenty-four hours in order to keep everyone safe, " I said.

"Abba what Zarah suggested is very good we should go ahead with it, " Ummah said. A small smile appeared on my lips.

"But Ummah we need Ammi'ss permission, " Abba countered. I resisted the urge to speak and just kept mute.

"Still this will endure her safety as the nurses can't do anything to ensure Ammi's safety so this is the least we can do, " Ummah retorted.

After much convincing Abba finally agreed. I smiled in satisfaction and made my way ro my room.

Today has been a long day. Few steps from my room I started feeling dizzy. I managed to change and pray before falling on my bed in exhaustion.

Not long after darkness eluded my vision as I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Jiddah's P.O.V

Zarah didn't come down for dinner so I went in to check on her. I found her sprawled on the bed.

The exhaustion clearly written on her face. I sighed lowly, she's been through a lot this past weeks and I pray everything turns back to normal once we go back to Dubai.

I went over and placed her legs properly on the bed. Switching on the aircon, I adjusted her pillow and closed her with her duvet.

Making sure she looked comfortable I went and to the living room and placed her food that I brought for her in the fridge.

I sat down and switches on the TV. I put it on a random channel and wasn't even concentrating. I was deep in thought when I heard a male voice.

The first thing that came to my mind was, am I properly dressed. I looked down and I was luckily.

I looked over to where the voice came from and saw Ya Mahmoud. "You are worried for Zarah right?" He asked and I only nodded.

I felt my a burning sensation at the back of my throat and my nose was heating up.

My lips quievered and I knew what was coming next. Water clouded my vision and before I knew it they were spilling out of my eyes.

More and more each time. A sob escaped my mouth and I let it as the tears increased.

Ya Mahmoud passed me a tissue and I gladly accepted it. I cleaned my tears and blew my nose.

I was no longer crying but a dad smile lingered on my lips. My lips we're starting to quiever and I looked up trying to stop the tears from pouring.

"She's suffered a lot I know but In sha Allah everything will be back to normal, Allah knows best hmm, " Ya Mahmoud said standing up.

He went to his room, Fast! And I knew he was having a break down. I shook my head slowly.

I can't watch her suffer like this all the time. Her pain is my pain. I feel everything she feels though not as much but I know what she's going through.

I shook my head sadly once again and stood up to my room.


Assalamu Alaikum guys.

How are yall, how's the pandemic been treating you guys? Hope you are all faring good?

Chapter dedicated to babiyomb one of my amazing supporter❤❤

No long talk buh bye.


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