Chapter 17 - I'd Have You Any Time

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Despite managing to stay up until just after midnight, the jet lag woke me up obscenely early for someone on holiday

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Despite managing to stay up until just after midnight, the jet lag woke me up obscenely early for someone on holiday. Through the tiny gaps between the curtains of the floor to ceiling windows, I could see the sun was just starting to rise, but when I checked my phone I wasn't at all surprised to discover that if I was in London, I'd be back from lunch and on that final stretch towards home time. With a heavy sigh, I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, praying that I could just feel tired enough to go back to sleep for a little longer. I felt exhausted and befuddled, but my body clock was absolutely convinced that it was time to be awake.


Hi, forgot to message yesterday, but I got here fine. Everything OK? How's Stan?

Hitting send on my message to Rose, I was about to send a message to Will when I heard a quiet but heavy breath next to me. I put my phone back down on the bedside table, and glanced over to the beautiful man asleep beside me.

Harry was also flat on his back, with one arm up over his head, and the other down by his side with a hand resting on his tummy as it slowly rose and fell. He was completely naked, and the bed covers were pushed down just past his waist, giving me a glimpse of the neatly trimmed, dark wisps of hair peeking out from under the white, cotton sheet. Stretched out, he looked comfortable and peaceful, like he didn't have a care in the world.

It felt nice to watch him without him being super alert and noticing, I could admire the details of his face without him catching me and teasing me. Turning over onto my side so that I could get a better look, I could feel the warmth emanating from his body as I moved closer, drawing me in even more. As I kissed his chest and my body curved against his side, I smiled at the quiet wheezes he made as he slept, finding it so adorable that my heart felt like it could burst. One kiss wasn't enough, I needed more of him. His whole torso lay exposed to me and my desire to be fully enveloped in his warmth rocketed, I was no longer exhausted, I was wide awake and in need of Harry.

Kissing up to the curve of his neck and down to his collarbone, the feel of his skin on my lips was intoxicating. I breathed him in deeply, savouring his natural scent mixed with the fading smell of cologne and sleep.

"What are you doing?" Harry mumbled, sleepily.

"Kissing you." I replied. "Is that okay? Or do you want me to stop?"

Waiting for him to tell me to stop so he could go back to sleep, I playfully grazed his nipple with my teeth, causing him to let out a soft, guttural moan.

"Just... Just do it quietly." Looking up at him, his eyes were still closed, but he was smirking - left eyebrow twitching up suggestively. The hand that had been laying on his stomach suddenly slid down between the laurel tattoos, disappearing under the covers to pull out his growing erection. "Although, I think you've started something."

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