Charli's Pov
The real reason I'm excited is because I'm going to stay With My Family In La for a While
Avani's Pov
Madi-Let's go take some pictures for Eachother
You guys Uber to a place to take insta picturesBtw Pictures will not be them
CharlidamelioCaptions I'm an original and that's perfection in itself✨✨
Avaniii Photo Credits much
Madi Can you guys take pics of me now
Fan627 She is Original
Hater62 🤢
Load more commentsMadi
Caption Give second chances but not for the same mistake Pc:@Avaniii
Avaniii You're so adorable
Charlidamelio Love the caption ❤️
Fan Adorable
Lunatic 🤢🤢🤢🤢Avaniii
Caption An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough🍎🥀
Comments DisabledAvani-Can we go to the mall
Charli-OkayYou guys order an Uber and get in
-The Mall-
Madi-we'll split text group chat when done shopping
-1 hour later-
You text the group chat
powerpuff girls🎉💅(Avani)Blossom🌸💛
Guys I'm done shopping(Charli)Buttercup💚😘
Ok let's meet in the front
-End of Chat—
You go to the front of the mall and wait for the girls
Charli-Avani you got a lot of stuff let's take a pic
Avani-Let's ask this lady here
You tap her on the shoulder
Random lady- can I help you
Charli-Can you take our picture
Random lady-Sure
PictureYou guys say thank you and wait for Madi
Madi-Hey guys
Charli-Hi lets go back to the hotel and
make some tiktoksYou guys go back to the hotel and
go to your roomTiktok
charlidamelioCaption @Madi @Avaniii wouldn't do the first part with me
Avaniii sorry I forgot it
Madi sorry Dunkin
Fan why wouldn't you do it Madi and Avani
Hater probs because they are stupid and don't know how to do it
Add a commentTiktok
AvaniiiCaption where's Charli demeleo
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