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Hey guys today we will meet Shine. I will tell you something about shine. Shine is the one who knows the truth behind Mew and Gulf missing pieces of memory. He is the one who is hurt and is in pain all the time.

Knock knock.
-Enter, Mew said while watching carefully the papers in front of him.
-Good afternoon Mew. A man in his 50 said watching him with love and care in his eyes.
-Good morning Boss said Mew while jumping in his feet.
-Oi Mew how many times should I tell you, call me Por (dad)  not boss. You are like my son and I love you so much, so stop calling me boss.
-OK.... Por, sorry, so why are you here?
-I didn't sow Gulf for a long time I was wondering if you can call him and ask him to come here and have dinner.... I was trying to call him but he don't answer me.
- OK sir, I will try to call him....
-Por Mew, Por...
-por (while smiling).
Ringgggggg, Ringgggggg, Ringgggggg,
"We are sorry but the person you are trying to call can't answer for the moment please let a message after the tone"
-I wonder what is going on, why is he not answer?
-I was calling him many times too.
-POR, can I go home please.
-what happened Mew, is something wrong with Gulf.
-Por, I can't explain to you now because Gulf is the one who needs to tell you this but please I beg you let me go home.
-OK, you can go, if something bad please call me...
-OK por. Mew said and run home, the door was closed so he opened it in hurry, was looking in all rooms but Gulf was no longer in the house.
-where are you Gulf?
Mew took the phone and start to call again and again but Gulf was not answering. Mew kept calling and in the end he answered.
-I'm sorry nong, because of me.....
-P'Shine???? Where are you?
-I'm sorry Nong.
Mew never understood why Shine is always apologized for something to him. But what he knows is that Shine heart is broke and every time he came out he will try to suicide.
-Listen P ' tell me where are you, I will come to you. Please P' Shine, tell me where are you, Mew's voice was trembling and his tears threatened to fall down.
-nong, is such a beautiful day, is a perfect day to die nong, like that I will pay for everything I did to you.
-P, I don't know what are you talking about but P, if you will die, you will kill everyone.
-it's OK nong, Kana was raped you,
-HE DIDN'T.....
-Gulf is an egoist person, he left his painful memories to me and live happily.
-And Shiv, he is such a kid, he is suffering like a stupid but keeps smiling, is annoying.
Listen P, you can't choose for everyone. P 'Shine, if it's hard for you.... Why don't you give Gulf some of your pain....
-He can't handle.... He is the most weak from us. That's why we are existing...
-P... I'm sure he can handle P, so give him a chance an give him some of you pain. Please P..... P'Shine.... I love you P, please don't do nothing stupid I beg you.
-Nong, you love Gulf not me, you want me disappear that's why you want me to give him my pain, if he will get used with the pain than he will not need me and I will dissappear.
-P... I can assure you that you will never disappear, you will just be part of Gulf heart. You will be one with him so don't worry P. I love you with same intensity as I love nong because you are part of Nong heart. Where are you P, I'm coming to you.
- I'm in the place where I can see all the city.
-where P?
-you have 30 minutes to find me, if you are not here than.... I will just die.
-noooooo, P, wait for me P.
-bye Nong.
"where, where can that place be?" Mew took his car and rush in the city watching where can that place be when he sow a big tower. He rush there and run on the stairs till he got up. He was having more 5 minutes.
Mew open up the dor and the sun beat in his eyes.... Still.... Shine was not there. He was having 5 minutes remaining but he didn't found Shine.
He fall down in his knees and star to cry loud.
"WHY GOD" Mew shout and look on the sky than he sow.... The mountain they were last night. He rush to the car and drive with all his speed to the mountain praying for his lover life.
-You are late Mew.
-Noooooo, wait, p, please, I'm here, please.
But shine was keep going.
-P, you was waiting for me till now P, that mean you just need someone to save you p, Mew said with cracking voice and tears falling on his face like a river.
He run and catch Shine the moment he want to jump and hug him tight still shine was trying to escape his hug.
-P, I beg you, don't kill my Nong Gulf, please P, I love Gulf so much, I love him P, he is the oxigen I breath P, I will die without him.
While Mew was begging Shine, he started to fall relaxed into Mew's arms. He was crying his heart and hugging Mew. After a while the crying stopped and Mew knew Shine fall asleep. He took him in his arms and drive the car to his house. Put Gulf in his bed and get him changed.
Mew called Gulf's father and told him that Gulf is ok than he was taking Gulf in his arms and fall asleep. He was exhausted.
Dont forget to vote and tell me what you think about this chapter. It will help me to keep going thank you. Love ya ❤️🤗

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