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Lily pov

Was I too harsh with Potter? I can't understand what to do...I want to apologise to him so baldly but don't have the guts to say, what if he doesn't forgive me?, What if he yelled at me back?, Whattt? He won't do something like this, no.

"Hey lily lady, back to Earth" I heard a Alice Calling me, "what are you thinking?"

"Ah-a nothing Al" I lied, ah if I tell her what happened she will kill me, James and Alice are like brother and sister, so ahh.

And then at that moment I saw James coming with his friends, laughing and happy, I should apologize to him now, yeah, I walked towards him with courage, come on lily he won't say anything, he'll forgive you.

"Hey Potter" I call him up to which he and his friends turn around and then at that moment I saw he's smile drop, damn not good.

"Hey Evans, what's up?" James asked and for the first time I noticed his voice was SMOOOTH and rough at the same time, wow and then his hair, Black hair untied and spread everywhere beautifully, and then his eyes shining and full of mischievous and bravery.

"Evans?" James called up

"Ugh ?" I was zoning on James Potter.

"You called me up for what?" He asked again

"Ah I - I wanted to apologise for that day Potter, I shouldn't have burst out my angry on you, I'm really sorry" I apologises and looked at him, but before he could say anything, sirius pulled me back, "ahh Evans, you can't go ahead and burst your angry on anyone and then apologize understand that?"

"Pad-" James was about to say something but was cut off by Remus,
"Yeah lily, you shouldn't that wasn't good tho"

"Let's go prongs" it was Peter who said that and they went but James came back and said " hey Evans, SORRY about them but I forgive you .. I'm sorry too for annoying you..haaha  well I moved in and realized we ain't meant so really sorry, but hey we are still friends okay" and then James wink at me and went to his friends.

HE moved on.........


Hello there

How are you all doing?

And I hope you like thisssss?

So is it good for James to move on?

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