*Aiden* 6

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 My delicate flower came to me in the night calling my name and running her sweet, soft hand over my cheek. "Aiden my darling please forgive me your brother was only wanting to know about us and how I was this afternoon," she told me in that voice that made me want to collapse into her arms.

Upon remembering how she and my brother were holding hands and laughing, it made me not want to collapse into her arms ever again. I just didn't want to be a part of her games anymore; I just didn't want anything to do with her. I stood there in the dark and grabbed her wrist before shoving her away from me. 

        "No," I said, keeping my voice stern. I had to stay true to my own words; I couldn't let her or anyone else walk all over me. "I cannot do this; I will no longer walk around my Kingdom and become the laughing stalk due to you and my brother. I will not stand for that, at all. I am sorry, Susanna."

With that, I choked back tears and the lump the size of a cannon ball of heart break into my chest and walked away. I dared not look back because I knew if I did, I would go running back into her arms and tell her that I didn't mean what I said. None of that I said, but with my head held high I walked on still not looking back but I can feel her eyes piercing a fiery hold in the back of my head. I walked on and disappeared into the darkness.

Once I reached my room and closed my door, I locked it. That's when the tears started to snake down my face I wanted so badly for someone to love me and not deceive me when my brother came around. I wanted someone that would look pass my family's wealth and adore me. Someone that I could lavish with gifts and they not feel the need to look for love elsewhere.

However, that seems really hard to find in this kingdom. Everyone is looking for wealth and not love. Though, my queen, whenever I find her will be the apple of my eye and I, will make sure that she is loved in all sorts of ways. Right now, I wanted Susanna to be that queen of mine but now it looked as though that was not to happen anytime soon. I leaned against my room door knowing that I needed an out for this meaning I needed something or someone to distract me.

I knew exactly who to go to I swung my door open to find Susanna standing there we locked eyes but I whisked past her. Once again, I didn't look back but I knew that she was going to cry, and I could not let that happen. I could not stand there and allow her to capture me into her web of evilness, not this time or anymore. 

        You see I may be a very kindhearted young prince, but I do not stand when people take me for an idiot and then try to make a fool out of me. Yes, leaving Susanna there in tears made my heart hurt for her in a tremendous way. I just didn't want her to see me break down and be the weakling that she probably thinks I am. No, Aiden Kairdin Morgan is no weakling or pansy he is a fearless, courageous, and kindhearted man. Tonight I would visit the witch doctor Morgana.

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