Chapter 28: The Last Card

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Y/N's Home (3rd Person Pov)

6 months before Trihexa's Resurrection

Y/n yawned and checked his watch to notice it was 12am, he smiled slightly and looked up to see Jalter and Jeanne both swinging their swords at the many weapons shooting out from his gate

Y/n: Alright I think that's enough

Jalter: Huh? Seriously?

Y/n: Of course, I'm serious it's lunch time and I'm hungry

Jeanne: Can't you just get some food out of Babylon?

Y/n: I can but I for one want to know what to have some of Nitocris' food especially after what Ishtar called breakfast

Y/n scowled thinking back to the half-cooked breakfast the goddess made

Jalter: Hold on! I'm not hungry though I wanna carry on fighting!

Y/n tilted his head at her then sighed as a gate opened up beside him and a sharp sword covered in a golden aura slowly appeared, Jalter then grinned as she got into her stance only for the sword to shoot right past her making her eyes widen

Jalter: What the?! Why would you do it so fast?!

Y/n: I was merely testing you oh well if you don't wanna eat then that's on you as for me a King must always have his lunch at its designated time

Jalter watched as Y/n and Jeanne were leaving and took a look around the room

Jalter: What am I meant to train with?!

Y/n: Who knows? I definitely don't know

Jalter: Lies! Come back here Y/n!

Y/n: In this situation I'm your King!

Y/n chuckled and left the room with Jeanne as Jalter grit her teeth and released a shout that rung out throughout the house which caused Y/n to smirk which caught Jeanne' attention, she turned her head to him with a questioning gaze on her

Jeanne: What are you planning?

Y/n: Oh nothing

A distant screech of fear rung out soon after making him laugh and Jeanne sigh

Jeanne: Just don't injure her

Y/n: Eh I'm sure if I injure her, she'll make me regret it later on... or at least try to make me regret it

The two walked into the dining room where the rest of the team was already waiting

Enkidu: You sure took your sweet time

Y/n: Training these two was more boring than I thought it would be

Ereshkigal: Wasn't it your idea to train them?

Y/n: It was

Ishtar: You should've seen it coming then!

Y/n: Pshh I don't want to hear anything from you right now

Ishtar: Why's that?!

Jeanne: He's still annoyed at the terrible breakfast you conjured this morning

Ishtar: It can't have been that bad?

Achilles: Sorry to burst your bubble lovely but it really was

Ana: It seems you need Ereshkigal to keep you company when it comes to cooking otherwise it turns out half done

Ishtar: Are you all going to mock me like this?!

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