chapter four

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"Thank you for bringing Ms. McIntyre to me, Ensign," Captain Hudson said.

"No problem, sir," Lucas replied.

"Ms. McIntyre, Ensign Wolenczak here was wondering if you would want to join our crew. Obviously, since you're already a part of the UEO, you can stay on as a lieutenant. But only if that's what you would prefer," Captain Hudson told me.

"Yessir, I would be honored to join the crew of Seaquest 4600," I replied, saluting.

"At ease, Lieutenant. I'll have a uniform delivered to your room later tonight. Your duties will begin tomorrow, so enjoy your last day on the Seaquest as a civilian. Ensign, you are relieved of your duties today so you can accompany Ms. McIntyre."

"Thank you, sir," Lucas and I said at the same time. We looked at each other for a moment before turning back to Captain Hudson.

"You may go," he said, and Lucas and I left his quarters.

"Where else do we have to go?" I asked him as soon as we entered the hallway.

"Well, you haven't seen my room yet," Lucas suggested.

"I'd be delighted to tour your quarters, Ensign," I teased.

"And I'd be delighted to show you around, Lieutenant." We laughed as he took me to his room.

"Here she is," Lucas pushed open a door and led me down a couple stairs into his room. There was a bunk bed, some lockers, and a desk where his computer was. Up at the top bunk was another part of the waterway that connected Darwin to the rest of the boat.

"Who sleeps up top?" I asked once I was finished examining the room.

"I do. Piccolo had claimed top bunk when he first came aboard Seaquest, but I won it back in a poker game." Lucas smiled smugly, clearly proud of his poker victory.

"But he counts the cards when he's not being supervised," a familiar voice teased. I turned around to see Tony standing in the doorway.

"You're just a sore loser, Piccolo," Lucas retorted.

"That may be, but I'm not the only one who knows that you count the cards."

"What do you want, Tony?" Lucas was obviously growing impatient.

"What? Can't I come to my room anymore?" Tony asked.

"Piccolo, if you-"

"It's fine, Lucas. Let him stay." I inched closer to Lucas, trying to make him understand that it was alright. "This is his room too, you know."

"I know." Lucas sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, thanks, Shelby. But the Captain'll probably have my head if I'm not up at the bridge soon," Tony said. "Don't do anything stupid, you two." Then Tony shut the door and walked away.

"So what now?" I asked, turning to Lucas.

"Well, I could introduce you to some of the crew, or..." He trailed off, looking at me softly. I looked back.

"We could stay here." I whispered. Lucas nodded and closed his eyes. I moved closer to him. He opened his eyes again and pulled me towards him, and Lucas held me close to him as we swayed in a little circle to nonexistent music.

I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. Our eyes met and we moved closer and closer together.

"Lucas, I-"

"Don't talk, Shelby," he breathed.

Our lips were just a few inches away from each other's, and everything felt just right. We both moved in.

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