chapter nine

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The rest of the week went by in a blur. The majority of my time was spent on the bridge, but when I wasn't on the bridge I was either eating, sleeping, or with Lucas.

We grew closer than we already had been, if that was possible, and we went from never leaving each other to being absolutely inseparable. We were only apart if we were forced to be. Lucas was something else entirely in the world of friends and lovers. He became an addicting drug that I'll never get over.

"We'll be in Hawaii tomorrow," Lucas whispered. We were in my quarters watching a movie, and I was wrapped up in Lucas' arms.

"How exciting," I replied, kissing his cheek.

"You missed." He used his finger to pull my face towards his again.

"What do you mean, I missed?" I asked. Lucas pulled me in and kissed me square on the lips. We kissed for a while, and then we turned back to the movie. By the time the movie was over, we had both fallen asleep in each other's arms.


My eyes slowly blinked open, and I could see sunlight filtering through my window. I laid there for a minute, confused, until all the memories came rushing back to me.

"Lucas," I twisted around so I was on top of him, and I lightly shook him awake. "Lucas, wake up. We're in Hawaii!" He was still out cold. I clenched my hand into a fist and lightly rapped my knuckles on the side of his head.

"Knock, knock! Is anybody home?" Lucas stirred but didn't wake up. So at least he isn't dead, I thought. I got off the bed and grabbed his hands, then I started walking backwards. I was trying to get him to sit up, but I had no such luck. I wasn't really strong or anything.

As I was struggling, I noticed the bathroom door was slightly ajar. A lightbulb appeared over my head, and I quickly dashed to the bathroom and filled up a cup with some water. I hurried back to Lucas. Smirking, I slowly tipped the cup over so that the cold water fell on his face. When the water was halfway gone, Lucas sat up quickly, sputtering and wiping his face with his sleeves.

"What the hell?!" He cried, drying his face and then looking at me.

"You wouldn't wake up," I told him innocently, batting my eyelashes. Lucas looked at me intently for a moment before smirking.

"Well, I'm awake now. And guess what I'm gonna do to you," he grabbed the cup and slowly started walking towards me.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no," I said, backing away. Then he charged me and I tried to run, but he caught my wrist and pulled me into him. He poured the rest of the water onto my head as I tried to free myself of his grasp. I wanted to laugh and scream at the same time.

"How's that?" He asked when the water was all gone.

"Not fun at all." I looked at him crossly, his grip on me still firm.

"Sorry about that," he said, and leaned towards me. "But it's only fair." His face was mere inches from mine and I moved in to close the distance.

"Nuh-uh," he said, moving his face back. I frowned, but Lucas picked me up bridal style and lightly tossed me back onto my bed. He laid down beside me, and I took that moment to kiss him.

"I love you so much," I said, or at least tried to, while we kissed.

"Well that means I'm the luckiest man alive," Lucas replied, pulling away for his answer.

"The luckiest man alive wouldn't pour water on his girlfriend," I pouted.

"Well, the girlfriend of the luckiest man alive wouldn't pour water on him to wake him up."

"What would she do then?"

"I'd say... kiss him until he woke up."

"Yeah, that's not happening."

"Well, that's too bad then." Lucas kissed me a couple more times before sitting up.

"Is it time to go already?" I asked, distraught.

"Probably," he sighed.

I went into my bathroom to straighten up and Lucas borrowed a towel so he could dry his hair and face. He seemed to have gotten the worst of it, and I smiled at my evil plot. Lucas saw me smiling, and he winked at me. I blushed, and once we were done getting ready, we walked hand in hand to the cafeteria.

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