"add more blush more blush!" Shouted my mate.
I was mucking about with my mates down by the fire station. Since there were a couple of woman working at the fire station, we were just joking around with their make up.
So far, everyone had had a go at putting God know what on my face. I had fake eyelashes, too much mascara, mega-winged eyeliner, a monobrow-thanks to the eyebrow pencil- a ton of foundation, bronzer and clown like lipstick.
What we all didn't expect, was the sudden fire alarm.
There was no time to scrub all the make up off, so I just had to go as I was.
"Are you able to move?" I asked the victim.
"Is this rescue a joke to you?" She coughed over the furing flames.
Why is she paying attention to the make up in A situation like this?
"Just reach out to me!" I yelled over the crackles.
"What if I don't want to be saved?" She asked with such intensity with her eyes.
I didn't know how to respond to this. So I didn't. I just saved her.
Story ideas and plot lines
РазноеThere are so many ideas that pop up in my mind and I always think ,"I should write that!" But I'm so lazy, take ages to write and there would be too many books to update if I did choose to write them all down. So, I have decided to share those ideas...