Chapter Fifteen.

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Rosilla's POV :

In the past few days, William took complete care of me. We quickly became close friends. First day was the worst. Ar first it was kind of awkward but nonetheless, me and my amazing powers made it more friendly. We learnt more about each other's life, and to be honest I quite liked his company. Through those few days he spent them mostly in the kitchen and my room. We talked alot , mostly about each others childhood.

William's childhood was wierd.  It wasn't even supposed to be called a childhood.  At the age of five years, he started learning techniques about working at his fathers company. I guess that is why he is workaholic.  It was set as his dream, life goal and probably the only life he ever knew.

"Rosie, are you alright? " William's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking. I'm sorry what were you saying? "

He opened his mouth to answer me but was cut short whej hus phone started ringing.

" Excuse me for a moment." He then stood up and went tonwards the window.

"Hello ?.......oh hi dad...........I was busy. Why?..........okay sure...............goodbye." He put his phone back into his pocket and sighed , ran a hand through his hair, then sighed again.

Technically this was the shortest call I've ever heard in my entire life. William kept staring outside. For a moment I think he forgot about me and my presence . I was right. I coughed a fake cough, in a lame attempt to capture his attention. It wasn't very lame, it still worked.

"Oh sorry,  my father needs me to-uh....and I-uh" he looked at me struggling to continue his sentence.  After a while  I got what he was implying to.

The marriage.

It was a topic, we magically knew that we wouldn't want to discuss anywhere in the bear future. It was like a silent agreement. Nobody dared to break it. I hated the topic and I avioded it as much as I could. Even the ring was thrown somewhere in my jewellery box, tucked away from light or eye view. 

Both of our eyes wondered around the room, doing the same job; avoiding each other. I began memorising every inch and corner of the room over and over again. Out of the corner of my eye, I began studying him. His hair was messy, and the small stuble grew and became  visible, just now I noticed his outfit. Oh boy,  he looked hella good.

He was wearing a baby blue dress shirt, black slim jeans and his dark blue jacket was lying on the floor beside his sleeping area, also known as my couch.

"Umm....excuse me I think I forgot something downstairs, I'll g-"  . And for the millionth time today, I was interrupted.

I know I was being a coward for avoiding it and using lame excuses, but honestly it was like a nightmare.  No offense to William.  It's just I wanted to continue life as normal as peaple would. I wanted to graduate to and go to college.  Travel around the world and fall in love. William was a nice guy but I don't think we will ever fall in love.

" Rosilla please, we both know we need and will discuss this whether sooner or later. "

" I know but I really think that there is something forgotten downstairs . " With that I headed to the door I was about to sprint down the stairs when a hand clasped around my wrist stopling me.

I wierd feeling ran through me. Even though it was below thirty degrees outside , I suddenly felt very hot, and the hallway felt really small. Even though the feeling was foreign and quite uncomfortable,  it was nice. Small shocks tan through my body making jerk away from him.

He just tightened his grip and looked down at our hands . Just then I noticed that he still had his ring where I left it . I looked up at him in confusion , only to find him looking back at the same spot as the one I was looking at but on my hand . His thumb grazed the place where the ring was supposed to be . I could see emotions running through his eyes and they were hard to see  . Something flashed quickly in them and before I could point it out, he let go of my hand and walked down the stairs.

As he walked down, his sholders slightly brushed mine and muttered something under his breath.  I didn't catch it and I had a feeling that it was important.

I don't know why am I till now standing in the same place , or why am I feeling empty from the inside and mostly why did I want him to come back and stay with me.


An the chapters from now on will be longer but the updates will be slower. I decided to make some twists and turns in this story, I hope you like drama and cliché :]

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