Chapter Nineteen.

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                             The ceremony.


Time for some twists and plots. It will be a bit confusing  but as time passes by you will get it.  For now enjoy.

One year later.................

Rosilla's POV:

My hands were slightly moist,due to nerves and panic. Finally  I was done with it.  Some people might think this is a bit silly but this was the most important  occasion I ever had the honour to be in. Confused?  Let me tell you.  After a lot of work and a long year I'm finally  here, wearing  dark blue silk gown and what I prefer to call the Crown of studies.

Im currently  waiting  for my name to be read out load and to receive  my certificate .  That's right I'm at the one and only

Graduation ceremony.

"Robert Brown" The announcer said.  Robert climbed  up the stairs, bowed, received  his certificate and did a happy dance.  The audience  chuckled and clapped. 

"Rosilla Clifford " 

My turn. Finally!

Suddenly  I got nervous, what if i slipped and fell on the stage?  What if I couldn't  receive my diploma? I stood frozen in place. After finally realising that I managed to grab everyone's attention, my face burned and I willed myself to start moving. I did the mistake of looking at the crowd, which I don't regret because of what I saw, Kyle was there shooting me encouraging  smiles beside him William  did to.  As I climbed the stairs, I looked at my friends and my favourite teacher, Mr. Hernandez. They were smiling encouragly as they waited for the last graduate to receive her certificate .

As Mr. Hernandez shook my hand and handed over the certificate he shoot me a smile and clapped among the loud crowd.  My face was burning up by the second as gazes burned holes in it,  I proceeded to escape the stage. However, Mr. Hernandez, decided to give me a heart attack and snatched my certificate back.

"Miss Clifford, I'm afraid that you won't be able to receive your certificate. "

As blood drained from me and I felt my self getting pale,  gasps echoed through out the enormous auditorium .  I could feel my heart stopping for a second and my palms getting sweaty.

" Only if you don't  end this  ceremony with a speech " Mr. Hernandez  continued with a smug  smile decorating his aging face.

Audience chuckled and friends visibly relaxed, however, this set my nerves ten times worse.

Knowing and noticing  my hesitation, Lauren  started chanting  my name, soon the whole auditorium was following her lead.

My face flushed.  As I took the microphone that was in the extended hand of my not-so-favourite teacher, I planned painful deaths for a certain someone. That someone is a female  and was considered my best friend. 

I cleared my throat and looked at the crowd.  I didn't know what to say, but looking at a certain  row I suddenly  became a literature book.  I knew what I was going to talk about.

" This day is important to all of us.  From students to teachers to family. As for students,  today we leave our familiar land,  to set foot in another one. To start a life alone, independent of anyone. This will be hard, it's no game.  From the point  that we will be separated from friends and family to the point that it's not a straight  path.  No matter what  major you choose, every single one of you is important for tomorrow's society. It   a turning point. We close a book and open a new ones for my personal experience, high  school  was and will be one of the best experiences in my life.  Im glad for meeting all of you.  I would like to thank my fellow mates for being there,  for being a part of the experience.  I would like to thank my teachers for being patient with us in all times.  Lastly, I would like to thank my family for being a support.  For being there with me through thick and thin.  Uh, thank you. "

My speech could be described  in one world.


But at least I got some claps from the audience. It lifted my spirits.

I quickly  hurried in taking my place beside Lauren.

"  Now I announce you the graduates of 2015! "

Caps thrown in the air and flashes going,was the best feeling in the world. To be free.

Lauren clasped my hand and started jumping. I swear  she has the energy of a kid on a sugar rush.

Suddenly she was thrown to the floor.  Kyle literally  squashed her in one of his famous hugs.  As hard as I was laughing, my fingers on my left hand was in pain from being twisted.

"Are you okay? " William asked taking my hand in his.

I nodded.

He gently rubbed my fingers, looking at them the whole time.  I noticed that he kept concentrating on one spot.

The spot where my engagement ring used to be.

Filling for a divorce  wasn't  the easiest thing I ever did.

And I'm regretting  it.


An this is a filler chapter. Sorry.

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