✨Chapter 23✨

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(Next day after Foxy finding out Mangle has gone missing)

Rain trinkled down the windows of Springtraps House, the curtains are fairly positioned with a Black color making the gloominess from the outside make the inside of Springtraps place a nice color that would make anyone go into a state of mind of relaxing with it's calmness

There is no one in the house, only one
Locked away in a room that needs key to be unlocked, there Mangle lays down wide awake terrified and tired just wearing a crimson red dress that reaches her knees

Something that Springtrap has gotten for her to wear along with other clothes, he hasn't gotten his hands on her sexually at all luckily enough for Mangle

But, can be possible if he craves for it soon enough..

Mangle tried to get up but, pain shot up from her body from all the beatens that she was given on her arms making her own cuts burn even more her legs are bruised and her head is pounding in pain

She whimpers as she now hugs her knees now crying out shivering in her own comforting and now her thoughts

"I have gone missing for three weeks, Toy Chica must be worried and the rest." Mangle thought as she stared off at the Door, it's barely any bright light but, aleast she's not inside a dark room where you cannot see a thing

Unlike...Foxy~Mangle thought remembering what he told her that night

Mangle, what the hell is wrong with you, do you realize what have you done?! Foxy said raising his voice shattering Mangle so much that a tear streamed down. This is much worst then when he broke up with her..

"I-I." Mangle began but Foxy interrupted her. "You're a monster, you have a problem a serious problem, I would love for someone to hurt you so you know how it feels" Foxy says in her memory

She can fully remember the trauma of that day along with his face the way he looked at her in hate and shock filled face

She has never experience him raising his voice on her, with this madden tone much worst when he insulted her when they broke the love string bond apart...

I bet he is happy that I'm gone..Mangle thought in her head that he must be happy with Nightmare chica, she felt even more heartbroken knowing it all came to this

"But, I am a monster he has a point there for what I have done." Mangle said in regret that she lost her mind and decided to hurt Nightmare chica with all of her strength

For what Mangle knew she ruined herself, their now viewing her differently...

A monster...

Her thoughts are then distracted when she hears the door being unlocked, she shifted herself back to her laying position so, he can think she's still sleeping

"I know, you're awake you can't trick me at all princess." Springtrap said startling Mangle with his voice, she kept her eyes closed anyways not wanting to face him at all

And give him the joy that he has gotten what he wanted. "You have to eat something you know, I'm already seeing a difference in you it isn't lovely at all, your rather losing weight." Springtrap said in a demanding voice mixed with a sweet one not conscious at all how Mangle really feels

"It isn't for you to care, I won't love you even if you try many times, you're a psychopath, I rather starve." Mangle said still laying down knowing there's no point in pretending that she's asleep

"Come on now love, you gotta eat something, I don't want you to die." Springtrap said now standing above her holding a platter of food, a Turkey bagel with some bacon strips and eggs

Mangle stares at the food undelighted since, she's doesn't feel like eating especially in such a situation like this

"Well, let me die I have nothing to live for, after I lost the one that I loved and my friends who think wrongfully of me after I show them the monster that I am." Mangle explained with tears falling down her eyes, her eyes are swollen after crying so much

Springtrap stares down at her trying to make her eat but, she is still refusing. He gets madden and lifts her off the floor startling her

"You're going to eat! I don't care if you don't want to!" Springtrap said raising his voice so loudly in her face, she cries even more seeing his face change quickly

So, far the experience with him is frightful...he changes so much and it's rather scary..

Mangle nods after receiving a slap from him again, she then takes the plate and sits down avoiding eye contact

Springtrap sighed proudly watching her eat, her doesn't even care how she looks

He rather scream at her until she understands, she is his alone and no one else's

Her eyes bag are blacken due to crying and non sleeping nights along with her face pale due to her not being cared for her health

Lack of nutrition, Springtrap doesn't even notice..

(3 days later)

Foxy rings Mangle in hopes that she answers but, she doesn't at all

His heart is breaking apart due to this

"This is all my fault, I don't deserve to be okay and happy right now." Foxy thought pacing back and forth in his room, he didn't care to go to work today

He had to excuse himself..all this is consuming him alive with his guilt

This made him realize that Nightmare Chica brain washed him into liking her and leaving Mangle off

The thing is...he didn't want to have a relationship with Mangle anymore Since, he wanted Mangle to have better and not be distant anymore

But, this was a mistake an unwiseful mistake of his that resulted in a consequence for falling in love with someone else

Tears stream down his face not helping himself. He grabbed his car key and his coat heading to his car to go look for her for himself

A clue aleast

Even though, they reported her as missing already. He doesn't want to wait until something truly bad happens to her that can result in finding her dead body..

This thought haunts him..he can almost imagine her corpse

He gets in his car and drives away to maybe find a clue or best bet track her down with her phone, somehow


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