✨Chapter 26✨

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      (1 week later)

"Mangle could've not harmed herself, it was her kidnapper of course, he or she was violent on her." Bonnie said to Foxy who is in a numb state not in a mood to even deal with Nightmare Chica right now, all he cares about is about Mangle and the grieve consuming him that someone got their dirty hands on her and beaten her up along with her seeming weak due to her not eating much

"I want to know, who it was I'm not leaving things like this, I need to find that person." Foxy said knowing things can't stay like this, it's not fair that the kidnapper got away with it

He knows that since, he figured Mangle escaped but just because she's safe and sound doesn't mean the kidnapper can be on the loose. He needs to get what he deserves, thing like this can't be left out like this at all

"It can be risky if we look for him alone, he or she might be armed up but Mangle can tell us how he or she looked like." Bonnie said seeing Chica passing by the kitchen to bake some cookies. "It can be risky but I need to know but I won't even bother her right now, she went through enough trauma." Foxy said putting his head down hating himself that this occured to Mangle

He was suppose to protect her with his life....at all costs...

This not so new love got ahold of him not realizing what he has done and caused leading to all this. "Understandable, sorry to say bud but I hope you understand what all this caused." Bonnie said madden at the fact Foxy chose Nightmare Chica leaving Mangle out like nothing, hurting her feelings along with tearing her world apart into pieces

He has been Mangle's friend too, they would get along so well during their high school years once Foxy took her in and introduce her to his group of friends Chica, freddy, bonnie along with Golden Freddy who is Freddy's cousin

They became the best of friends along with the others. Slowly by slowly, foxy and Mangle fell in love deeply eventually becoming an inseparable couple. "I understand, hey I have to go now it was nice talking to you." Foxy said standing up ready to leave

"Likewise, thanks for being here you're always welcome know things happen, mistakes happen that eventually turn into disaster You have to make up your mind and make a change, that's your choice of course." Bonnie said patting Foxy's shoulder comforting his Friend knowing he has been sad and not himself ever since this occurred

"Thanks Bonnie for the advice but, It's my fault for having to range out causing Mangle to run not knowing the dangers, I should've asked before ranging out on her." Foxy said feeling this sensation of wanting to cry feeling Mangle's pain, she has always been sensitive and too kind

He was the monster not her...

From there, foxy finally left Chica's and Bonnie's place leaving over to his Car thinking to himself if he should visit Mangle at the hospital but he knows Mangle doesn't want him there. He accepted the fact, knowing she has a reason but, he wants to be by her side...

Meanwhile, mangle is finally wide away in her mind looking at the window seeing the city lights with people walking like usual and couples having fun. Mangle sighed looking away hating the fact, she has no one anymore to love her..

It hurts knowing her life was once filled with light and love but now it's darkness and Hate along with pain of her consuming her. "Why did you leave me?!" Her mind began reminding her, she covered her face with her hands not wanting to hear anymore with her negative thoughts coming through her head


"Why did you chose me, out of all the girls in this school who are much prettier and better than I could ever be?" Mangle said gazing into the Moon on his house rooftop holding his hand, he chuckled lightly before looking into his eyes thinking how silly it is for her to say this

Seeing her, he saw his world there flash right in his eyes. She's the best that could've ever happened to him, a miracle too. She's nothing like the other girls, she's sweet and calm unlikely to tell secrets trusting her with his whole heart knowing she's the one of course

No one else but, her

"Mangle, you know very well why now don't say that you're what I always wanted and seeing you I almost saw my future with you." Foxy said truthfully leaning in close to her face, she does the same feeling her heart beat fast quickly with her cheeks blushed up feeling good about herself now, knowing she's loved

(End of Flashback)

Surely enough, all that began to make her go into a state of a panic attack. The machine began reading Mangles heart rapidly feeling her chest tighten up. She's suffers panic attacks but, she hasn't had one for a very long time...

Due to her being more calm in life which reduced it but, with this all it got to her. The nurse quickly came in seeing the situation, she helped mangle calm down while Mangle was telling her

"Please, I don't want to be here anymore, please first thing tomorrow let me leave in the morning, I don't want to face Foxy." Mangle said calming down slowly inhaling in and out. The nurse stood there thinking to herself if she should listen and notified the hospital so, they can release her already

'Maybe, I can she seems fine to me and seem to have healed just few bruises there and there still but, nothing serious anymore' the nurse thought before opening her mouth

"I will notify the hospital later at night, now everything's going to be alright if he thinks of coming in to see you, we won't let him." The Nurse said seeing Mangle's face relax finally fully calmed down. "Thank you nurse." Mangle said thankful before watching her leave off hearing her footsteps click and clack on the hospital out the door to the hallway with other doors with other patients inside and some empty rooms

(Next thing in the morning)

Mangle was freed first thing in the morning, just how she wanted. They knew the situation but, mostly the nurse knowing Mangle was feeling distressed ever since she was brought in whenever Foxy would come which was only two times. From there Foxy knew it was better off listening to Mangle, respecting her request even if it hurted him

A car pulled up in the hospital parking lot, the figure walked towards the hospital with a bundle of Flowers and a card he see's the nurse who took care of Mangle who is on the phone until she puts it down finally. "I'm here to see Mangle Vixen." Foxy said seeing the nurse then gave him a sorry look as she then began going through some papers

"She left first thing in the morning, she's no longer staying at the hospital." The nurse said seeing his eyes trail away from her, he didn't say anything anymore walking away from the hospital back to his car, he pulled out his phone to text Mangle

It was seen but, she didn't text back..


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