Silent No More

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The Silent Majority Will No Longer Stay Silent! 


Remember when the media lied saying we were fake news? 

Boy were they shocked. 

Also, they tried to say we were just Russian bots? Despite, being apart of an American movement of all different ethnicities. Also, being hypocritically racist to everyday Russian Americans. 

Remember that? 

We are Free Thinkers, Centrists, Libertarians, Conservatives, Original Liberals, Original LGBT Activists, Civil Rights Activists, We all have different and similar views. 

We are American.

We are Hispanic.

We are Black.

We are White.

We are Hmong.

We are Vietnamese.

We are Russian.

We are Ukrainian.

We are Cuban.

We are Straight, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Asexual, Pansexual.

We are Cis and Trans.

We are Inclusive and Diverse.

We are American.

 Check out the facebook group and page if you don't believe.

I highly encourage research and understanding. Watching all the news channels to gather information for yourself.

I Stand With Terry Crews. 

I Stand for his message of Equality. 

"Don't hate the black.

Don't hate the white.

If you get bit...

Hate the Bite."

-Sly And The Family Stone

Fight the political and divisive agenda!

If Black Lives Matter

#Walkaway from politicians who only care about you during voting season.

#Walkaway from the Antifa teenagers using violent actions ruining your peaceful protest.

#Walkaway from hate.

#Walkaway from users and abusers.

#Walkaway to be free.

#Walkaway for a better future

#Walkaway to speak different views without fear of hate.

"A majority, perhaps as many as 75% of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. But, you don't serve the poor by taking their money to terminate their children." - Dr. Alveda King. #ProLife 

#Walkaway from racism.

#Walkaway from prejudice of political or religious beliefs.

#Walkaway from hate.

#Walk With Love.

We are America.

We can do it.

Speak up and out! 

Silent No MoreWhere stories live. Discover now