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Amaya's POV

I was feeling bad as due to my sickness our first wedding anniversary dinner got ruined. And somewhere because of that Aditya was a bit upset as well as he was planning everything from a long time and arranged everything so beautifully.

But tonight I was going to surprise him which was not only going to lighten up his mood, but also going to brighten up our lives. Yes! In the morning I got to know that I was expecting which was the reason I wasn't feeling well since past few days.

I was so so so happy that I couldn't hold my excitement and as soon as the doctor gave that good news I was going to call Aditya but I decided to rather tell him face to face once he came back from the office.

I didn't tell anyone else about this, because I wanted Aditya to be the first person to heard this. I prepared all the food and set the table. Wore a floral shirt and denim jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror and there was some different kind of glow on my face.

There was no one at the home as his parents had gone to USA. I was hell excited and nervous both at the same time as I didn't know how he would react. Atlast he arrived and I stopped pacing back and forth.

As soon as he entered I approached towards him. I took his bag and asked "How was your day?"

He looked really weary and replied "It  was hell tiring" and then his eyes locked on the table. I passed him a glass of water and he asked "How are you feeling now?" and I told him that I was much better. Then he pointed towards the table "What's all this? Is someone coming? Why you did all this, I told you to rest Amaya"

I controlled my smile, sat on the sofa  beside him and said "Yes.....actually guest is coming a very special one so that's why I did all this... "

He stopped drinking water and asked "Guest? Which guest? You didn't tell me anything..."

I controlled my laugh and then continued "Oh ya you were busy in office so I didn't want to disturb you so.....and its a permanent guest"

He choked into the water upon hearing that. I stood eventually to rub his back but he stopped me and asked "Wh....what? A permanent guest! Who's he or she? You didn't tell me before or didn't ask me and all of a sudden someone's coming to stay with us....permanently!"

He was already tired and got frustrated upon listening to that. So I decided to broke the suspense and tell  him the truth before the situation goes out of hands.

He was blabbering something and kept a hand on his forehead. I put a stool in front of him and sat. I held his hand and smiled. I kept his hand on my stomach and his expressions changed.

My eyes filled with happy tears and I finally told him "This little guest is coming. Are you ready to start a new chapter of life?"

For few minutes he completely got expressionless and I shook his shoulder. He stood up and started pacing back and forth while running a hand through his hair.

"Are....are you....are you sure?" He stammered and somewhere his voice was shaking as if he was going to cry.

I said with a chuckle "Yes! Yes!"

Tears pooled up in his eyes and a big smile appeared on his face. He ran towards me and took me in a tight hug "Amayaaaaa....I can't believe this......I'm so happy baby"

He pulled back and held my face in his both of his hands and placed kisses all over my face "I can't even explain how happy I am!"

I chuckled "I was nervous...I didn't know how you would react as its all happening so soon...."

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