Ep. 5

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"Looks like I'm on this side, right? On the gutsy kid's team." This time, at this moment, Gray and Y/N knew they weren't alone in this fight. It was different from the past. 

Jack glared at Ben. "We're only here for you, Ben."

Ben being... well, Ben, decided to  play around with the fucker in front of him. "Yeah, sure. So tell me... why the hell should I listen to what Jimmy Bae's minion has to say-? Hah?" Jack gritted his teeth together out of anger. "And speaking of Bae, if he wanted to see me, why didn't he come here himself? Why did he ask you to bring me to him, Jack Kang? Does he think he's Donald Na or something? Or... is he just imitating him?" Ben smirked at Jack's angry expression. Y/N also smirked, she was loving Ben more and more. And... she loved how Jack scowled at Ben because he mocked him and Jimmy Bae.


"YOU FUCKING SCUMBAG!!" Y/N looked at Alex Go as he charged toward Jack and gave him a punch right in the face! Y/N's eyes widened as did her smile. 

'Holy fuck, these guys are amazing!' 

'There he goes... Damn, Alex.' Ben thought. 'I was just going to talk them into submission and make 'em leave...'

"What did you say? Take care of it? Huh? You bastard." He repeatedly threw punches at Kang as the latter blocked each attack, putting his arms in an 'X' in front of his face. His punches were fast but Jack had enough with the blows and countered by punching Alex back in the face. 

"Argh... That idiot." Ben facepalmed. Y/N looked at him and patted his back. He flinched but regained his posture and looked at her with a shocked face. Again, Y/N lacked presence and it scared the fuck out of Ben. 

Alex kept getting hit and Ben interfered before it can escalate any further. "SHIT JUST HIT THE FAN. WE'RE CRUSHING ALL OF 'EM!" 

"FUCK YEAH!" Y/N yelled out as she threw her razor blade up in the air. She pushed her hair back using her and and looked up to catch the razor in her mouth. "Let's have some fun." The girl's words muffled through her razor.

And so, they began to beat the shit out of the Yoosun fuckers. Y/N got to fight the one who stood out most because of his hot pink hair. The fact that she had a razor scared the male but he fought either way because we can't have no cowards. She elbowed him in the gut and he fell to the ground, holding his stomach.

"You bi--" He spoke but was cut off by a small fist colliding into his face. Pinkie was knocked the fuck out and Y/N smiled, well the best smile she could since she still had her razor in her mouth. She looked to Gray and saw the helmet head bitch creeping up behind him. Instead of doing something smart, the dumbass grabbed Gray's collar. Y/N chuckled and made her way over to them.

"Collars aren't for grabbing." Y/N heard Gray say. "Should've just thrown a punch." Gray broke helmet head bitch's pinky finger, resulting in the ugly cries of said male. She hid the razor into her pocket.

"GRAAAAYY!!" Y/N jumped up. Very high, might I add. This caught the attention of the others as gravity did it's job and brought her back down. She was aiming for helmet's head in hopes of knocking him out but seeing that his head will collide with the concrete wall, he might end up with something more than just a knockout. Her eyes widened. 

"...uh oh..." She mumbled under her breath. A sickening crack was heard when she slammed into Helmet's head. Everyone stopped fighting and saw helmet head guy's head bleeding and swollen. At least he did pass out as Y/N wanted... "Shit. My bad." She looked at the Yoosun students with a little guilt. Helmet head guy fell to the ground with a 'thump' when Gray let him go. 

"That's enough. Stop." He ordered the others. "You sickening shitheads."Y/N crouched down and poked helmet head guy making sure he wasn't dead or anything. Once she confirmed that he just was just unconcious, she looked at his messed up face. She smiled a little at her work.

- - - - - - - - - 

"Well, that was pretty chilling..." Ben said. "Did you see the look on that kid's face? What kind of wacky character is that?"

"Now that I've exerted myself like that, feels like I'm having a worse game." Alex scrunched his eyebrows together. "And can you explain why that chump tagged along?"

Gerard was in position to hit the white ball with his pool cue. "Don't get rude on me now. Think of it as a celebratory event for crushing Yoosun High." Ben chuckled. What Gerard was really ther for... was the goddess.

"And what do you think about Gray Yeon? Saying he has to go to his after-school class after causing all that chaos back there. Like hell he does! It doesn't fit that edgy bastard at all..." Ben explained.

"Fits him perfectly." Alex and Gerard said in unison.

"Y'know, I don't appreciate you guys talking about Gray while I'm here." Ben and Gerard jumped at the other voice they did not expect. Y/N looked at them in amusement.

"WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Ben questioned loudly. Y/N smiled and raised her hands to show that she had no ill intentions. She glanced at Alex Go, who was not surprised the disguised female was with the group.

"I invited... him." Alex said with a hint of hesitation. "He gave me the bandage. And he skipped his after-school classes to hang out with us." A small smile appeared on his face as he brought his gaze back to Y/N. Y/N, returning the gesture.

"But, it looks like I have to leave now. I still have some shit to deal with." She brought her arms down and walked towards Alex. She placed a hand on one of Alex's shoulders.

"... it was nice meeting you again, Alex..."

Y/N walked away from the group as the other two males looked at Alex with suspicion. The green eyed male had a faint blush on his cheeks. But the other two didn't notice because one, Gerard needs a fucking haircut and two, Ben be kinda dumb.

Ignoring the stares he got, he went to resume the game. Before Y/N left the building, she looked back at the group again. They were talking about the events that had happened. Y/N smiled and left.

Once Ben made the final shot, also ending their conversation, he cheered. "THAT'S GAME-!"


"Ha ha Jin, you're paying for all of us now."

"Ben just got a three-cushion shot in too."

"What? You guys cheated, didn't you?"

Gerard walked towards the purple haired female while taking out his wallet. "Huh?"

"That other young man paid for your games. The short, scrawny one!" She informed the titan. Jin was confused but left after nonetheless. 

'Y/N L/N...'

"--You still haven't let go about what happened, have you?" Gerard heard Ben ask Alex. The black haired male stayed silent. Ben swung an arm onto Alex's shoulder. "It's not your fault Alex- Ya idiot. You can forget about it now."

- - - - - - - - - -

Y/N was at her house, thinking about random shit. She lived next to her father and was alone in her own house. The girl was quite spoiled but never asked for much anyways. 

Sighing, the girl went to cook some food for herself. 'Gray... I don't know if I want to stay in the shadows anymore.' Hot oil popped out of the pan she was cooking on and splashed onto her, causing her to curse out loudly.


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