Chapter 14: The Confrontation

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Barb's POV

I woke up to see I was in some kind of Pop Troll cell, hard bolted and firm, no way out. I looked around the cells, no sign of Poppy. Thank goodness. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was her pushing me out of harm's way.

I looked around, and saw that among the captive were Carol, Riff, Debbie, Sid Fret, and my dad, along with Poppy's friends and...Branch. Oh boy, I thought to myself, recalling my recent kiss with Poppy.

Branch noticed me and whispered to get my attention.

"Barb," he whispered softly.

"Branch," I said, examining him, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," he said, brushing his bruises, "just a bit beat up, that's all."

"What happened?" I asked, frightful and confused.

"Oh, allow me to explain that," a voice called from the shadows.

I looked around, trying to see who it was. Then I saw a purple skinned troll with green hair, hanging from a small bug. He floated down, wearing a long robe and a big crown.

"Who are you?" I asked, both confused and angry.

"That's Creek, a traitor to the Pop Trolls," Branch explained, "he sold us out to the Bergens to save his own skin."

"And now I am the one who save the Pop Trolls from their traitorous Pop/Rock Queen," he said, gloating.

"Poppy's not a traitor! She's someone who just isn't one type of music-," I started.

"She's a Queen of the Pop Trolls! She's meant to love Pop Music only!" Creek yelled, furious, "you corrupted her with your terrible Hard Rock influence, and now, you will pay."

"What are you gonna do to us?" Branch asked, angered.

"You'll see," he said, popping his robe a little bit, "Best I get going, don't wanna be late for the big event."

"You won't get away with this, Creek!" I yelled, rattling the bars of my cell.

"I already have, love," he said, smirking, "oh and speaking of love, did you tell Branch about what happened with you and Poppy yet?"

Branch looked at me and him confused, and I was about to say something, but then Creek cut me off.

"Barb. Kissed. Poppy," he said turning and walking away.

That one left everyone's jaws wide open. They all looked at me, speechless, except for Branch, who only said three words.

"Is that true?" he asked me, sorrow in his voice.

I decided to tell him and everyone the truth. The truth that I had a crush on Poppy and i was afraid to tell her because I didn't want to ruin her relationship with either me or Branch. I told them everything, and once I did, everyone else was still speechless, but understood a little more.

"I'm sorry Branch," I told him, sorrow now in my voice as well, "I didn't mean to hurt you by mistake, I just...I just wanted to be honest with her, tell her I loved her before it was too late. I am so sorry."

Branch looked at me, and to my surprise, he had more understanding in his face than sorrow.

"I get it," he told me, calm now.

"Really?" I asked, confused, "But what about...?"

"Barb, listen," he told me, "I know it may seem like Poppy and I were doing well, but the truth is, it wasn't. It was just hard for us. At first, it felt like everything in our relationship was gonna be fine without a hitch, but then reality hit and it hit hard for us. I mean, I still love her in my heart, but I don't think I'm the right one for her anymore. Me sending her off wasn't just a way to protect her, it was also a way for her to start over with someone better."

"So you're okay with this whole thing?" I asked.

"If being with you makes her happy, then I'm happy. I know it'll be hard for me, but part of love is knowing when to let go, knowing when something must end for a new one to begin, in any kind of form. No matter what happens, love will still be there."

"Thanks, Branch," I said, wiping a tear away.

Suddenly, the guards came in and brought us out, dragging us all into a small stadium with a strange device over us. There were Trolls everywhere, all booing at us.

"Associates of the disgraced former Queen Poppy," Creek said, high above from a bug, "for your crimes, you will be extracted of your Troll essence and banished to the outlands, never to return."

Everyone else was panicking, but I didn't. I had already told Poppy the truth, and I was willing to die for it.

The device charged up, preparing to drain us for good. I closed my eyes, when suddenly an ear-piercing guitar riff and a red blast of Rock energy blasted up through the floor, crippling the mechanism.

As we all stood there, baffled by the ambush, the speakers went on, and a familiar voice came over us.

"Who wants to party!?" Poppy announced over the speaker, "with or without smiling?"

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