part veintisiete.

281 8 2

(i'm sorry but mariano be looking EXTRA fine in that pic🥵🤩🤰🏻 also rape is mentioned so if that triggers you please skip like last time)

after three months of dating rowan i kind of noticed how much he's changed, he was such a nice guy and i lowkey cared about him a lot and now if i wear something too "open" he says "don't wear that it makes you look like a hoe and i know you ain't one at all so change it please"

i started crying and i kicked him out that day but he got super mad and made me wear a hoodie so we could meet up with his friends even though i didn't want to go anymore.

i came over to his house today with some snacks so we can watch a movie, imma surprise him, i know he's changing but i want to make a truce if he doesn't get mad at everything i'll not wear 'open' clothes. there was another car there but i guess it's just his dad or idk maybe his mom got a new car. i'm standing by his doorway now, idk if i should just go in or knock or idk i'm gonna surprise him, so i should just go in.

i opened the door quietly and put the snacks on the table then i heard something upstairs so i went to check, it came from his room, the door was slightly opened so i peeked in a little and i saw him sitting don with his eyes closed, his mouth open, and his head tilted back, i looked down and there was this girl (i feel weird saying it but yk what she was doing that gulp gulp 3000, yk) she was naked but he wasn't he just didn't have pants on but i don't even care tbh

i didn't even know what to feel anymore, i didn't feel like crying i also didn't feel like interrupting, he seemed to be enjoying it, so i just quietly went back downstairs opened the snacks quietly and put them in a tray, i started eating them, it was mostly gummies, cookies, and maruchans, i didn't make the maruchan bc it was too much noise so i just went to sit in the couch and started eating until i heard the door creaking open from upstairs and heard them laughing until the smiles came off their faces when they saw me.

i looked at them and smiled, she was a cheerleader from school, she was also VERY pretty so i guess i know why he chose her to suck on his- anyways i put the snacks down and grabbed my stuff

"alyssa what are you doing here?"
rowan said when he saw me standing up
"oh i came to see if we could watch a movie and eat snacks too bad i came in the wrong time"
i said in the most sarcastic way i could
"who the hell are you?"
the stupid bitch said in yk that ugly ass girly voice

"oh hi nice to meet you, i'm rowan's girlfriend, oh shit sorry i messed up i was his girlfriend about an hour ago not anymore tho-"
i was saying then rowan interrupted me

"vanessa please leave"
she said surprised
"ugh fine"
she started walking towards the door then i stopped her

"oh wait no don't go the fuck, well go together and you can tell me how my ex's children tasted like"
i said smiling while holding her arm
she smiled back and we stood there facing rowan
"kind of salty i'm not going to lie"
vanessa said
"shut the fuck up, alyssa please i can explain"
rowan said
"oh baby it's self explanatory, ain't it vanessa"
i said sarcastically
"pretty much yeah"
she said and looked at me then looked at him while we interlocked our arms
"alyssa come on you never wanted to do anything just bc you had a 'trauma' i have a lot too and look at me, i'm happy"
oh he just didn't
"oh you're talking about my trauma about my ex ex ex boyfriend raping me, you're talking about that or the fact you couldn't just keep it in YOUR FUCKING PANTS"
i screamed in his face
"hold up, someone raped you and he couldn't handle that so what's why he called me"
vanessa said surprised
and then she did the unexpected
my girl slapped the shit outta him and then when he was about to say something i slapped him again, then we started walking to the door

we walked out and she told me she would give me a ride, when we got into her car i started bawling, she then hugged me
"i'm sorry sorry, i didn't even know you guys were dating or anything, i feel so bad i'm so sorry, i know how you feel"
"it's ok it's not your fault can you take me home now i want to talk to my best friend"
"ok then"
she started driving and it was all quiet, except for my crying everything was quiet until she said
"he doesn't deserve you, you acted like such a baddie back there and i love you for that, it shows you're strong and any other girl would've beat me up for that but you're super mature and super pretty too idk why he would ever change YOU for someone like me, dont ever let any stupid boy break your heart like that, i know you're stronger than this, so keep your head up queen!"
i smiled
it stayed quiet the rest of the ride until we got home, except of course when i was giving her directions
i got my stuff and got off and before closing the door i said
"hey, thank you for that, thank you also for not dragging me either, you're a super nice girl and you also deserve someone better, you're super pretty and also very mature, anyways, friends?"
she smiled and said
i smiled and closed the door she waited until i got inside and then drove off

there was two endings to this chapter and the other one, someone ended in jail, but anyways i chose this one cuz i though about a better thing that gave this story two more chapters that i'll be uploading either all tonight or during this week, but anyways i love y'all so much thanks again for reading and for 37k!!!!!!! (i forgot to post this yesterday i'm sorry)

*1101 words*

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