The Cafe

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We took three cars to the cafe since there wasn't enough room for all of us in one. I went with Jaden and Mads in Jadens car while everyone else went to Avani's car. Except for Josh and Bryce who took Josh's car so they could pick up some of the boys. All their friends were already at the cafe waiting for us

Skip to when we Arrive

Mads turn off the music and I looked up from my phone. As I look out the window I see that we have arrived at the cafe.

M: We are here

N: Thanks for the ride J

Ja: No problem Ness I am here anytime you and Mads need a ride

M: Isn't my boyfriend just the best

N: He really is a nice guy you don't find that too often

We all laugh and hop out of the car. Then head into the cafe behind us everyone else enters. We all sit down at a table. Since we had a lot of people they put 2 big tables together.

I sit down next to Mads and Jaden what I didn't realize I was across from Josh. So I come up with the genius idea to act like he is no there and ignore him. So I pick up a menu and block my eyesight of him.

Ch: I see you're joining us today

I just nodded.

M: Yeah, she finally agreed to come

Q: Thank god we don't have to hear your complaining

Everyone laughs except Mads and me. I am too busy looking at what to order to pay attention to what they are talking about.

Ja: Hey leave my baby alone

Then Jaden and Mads kiss.

The girls: Awww

Bryce: Get a room, we are gonna order soon and I don't need to lose my appetite.

Mads and Jaden roll their eyes.

Ne: Nessa why did you even come if your not gonna talk?

Nellie says extra rudely everyone looks at her then at me.

N: The only reason I am here is for Mads who convince me to come with I much rather be anywhere else

Everyone: Hey what about us

I just roll my eyes.

Then everyone starts side conversations and moves on from the topic. Then my phone rings and everyone look at me. I look and see Lena is calling me so I answer it.

L: Hey bitch!! (She screams into the phone)

Everyone at the table is looking at me.

N: Hey

L: Why aren't you saying hey bitch back? Why are you in your public voice? Where are you? Are you acting shy again? You know you can talk to me normally not that fake personality you put when you around people you don't know.

I just roll my eyes

N: I am out with friends

L: Really you actually talking to people? No way in hell who dragged you there.

N: Ok talk to you later. Love you!

Then I immediately hang up the phone. To see everyone staring at me.

J: What was that all about?

N: What was what all about?

Everyone gives me the are you serious look. I want more than anything to get out of this situation. The truth is I am really shy that is why I never talk I feel like everyone is judging me when I talk so I stay quiet. But when I talk to someone I am really close to or I consider my friend I can't stop talking.

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