𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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I yawned awakening from my bed and sitting up. Looking around my room I noticed the beams of sunlight coming through the window of my apartment. I hadn't lived here long, maybe 3-4 months.

I moved out of my parent's house right after graduating from high school. Taking a year off before starting college. After a few moments, I got out of bed and walked out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower.

I set my phone up in my shower as music blasted through my speaker, wait by M83 came on letting me to jam out to it. I put my shampoo in my hair, lathering it up in my hair as my music went quiet.


I picked up my phone and turned it on, checking the notification.

Dream sent you a message

I clicked on the notif and put in my passcode, opening up the app and going into messages.

*You have been invited to "The Dream Team & then some"*

Idk bout that-

wdym ???

this all is a lot for me-
I started my channel because of you guys..
having actual convos with yall is scary.

you seem fine with me?

Ya that's one person
not almost 10 people.

You have a point lol
but its fine I promise

I thought about it for a minute, I mean.. how bad can it be... Its just 10-12 boys that play video games better then you.. I scrolled up to the invite and screenshot it, sending the picture to Y/f/n. 

She must still be asleep since she hasn't answered. To be fair she lives in a different time zone and its 8 am for her. I set my phone back down and just listened to my music while continuing my shower.

Once I was done with my shower, I got out and dried off and got dressed. Going into my room I put on a large hoodie over my shirt and shorts before sitting at my desk and logging onto discord. 

Checking a couple of my chats, talking to some of the people in me and Y/f/n server, I got more messages from dream.

*You have been invited to "The Dream Team & then some"*
please join
they all want you and Y/f/n to join
you guys fit in with us !

omfg why do you want me to join so badly??
I literally took your record for speed runs, you're meant to not like me, not wanna be friends.

Just join please


I contimplated not joining but then I thought about how cool it would be to actually get close with them. Going back to the invite and hitting "Join". Discord makes it so you can see previous messages so I looked around in their server a bit.

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