𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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I sat at my desk in the call with the guys, and Y/f/n. We were just chilling, playing Hypixel games while Y/f/n streamed. 

"Solo bedwars against each other?" I asked, looking at the game options. It was me, George, Y/f/n, Sap, and Dream. "Yea but can we not go after each other.. ya know like just messing around till dragons??" Y/f/n suggested.

"I'm cool with that," I said, everyone else agreeing. I put us into the game and set the commands for the longest game setting and all that, choosing my color as pink. Sapnap chose white, dream chose green, George chose blue, and Y/f/n chose purple.

The game began, I collected the resources from my generator and covered my bed. Even if we are playing peacefully, I still need coverage. "Oh, so you don't trust us huh?" Sapnap said looking over at my base from his.

"Uhhh- who said that.?" I joked, starting to bridge over to diamonds and then to the middle. I collected the emeralds and ran back to my base, getting there I saw sapnap going after my bed. "THIS IS WHY I HAVE TRUST ISSUES" I said loudly, starting to kill him.

"OK OK I WAS JUST JOKING!" He said, running back to his base. "Yea that's right, run away!" I said, getting diamond armor right away and upgrading it to protection 1.

Everyone just chated, Y/f/n built a house in the middle of emeralds, not even focusing on getting actual things for the dragons.

Minutes passed, generators upgraded, everyone just laughing and having fun. Sapnap kept trying to coming over to my base and break my bed, but I killed him almost everytime.

George and Dream had fought so much that Dream finally just broke his bed and killing him, this causing George to yell out of frustration to him. We all just laughed at it and continued the game.

"Y/f/u can you please just get materials and stop making a freaking house" I said, trying to get her to take it seriously. "You know I don't play this game right." She said, continuing to loligag.

After around 20 more minutes, the dragons finally came, us all staying on our own bases to kill them. I had everything I could need, the 6 emerald bow, shit ton of arrows, gapples, enderpearls, and bridge eggs just incase I need to escape my base.

I shot all the dragons that came near me, making them go away. After a while, Y/f/n died.. Im surprised she lasted as long as she did. "I was so close to winning" She said, laughing afterwards.. not even taking herself seriously.

Sapnap was next to go down, he automatically blamed it on be because I had been trying to kill him the whole game. "Sapnap, its not like I told the freaking dragon to kill you!" I argued, taking the dragons out. 

"I bet you did, probably offered it something too" He said, running around in spectator mode. "I didn't!" I said, continuing to fight for the win.

Dream was good at this part of the game, has good aim. His base and mine were equally destroyed. After 5 minutes, my base started getting worse so I threw the bridge egg and made my way towards the middle.

Dream stayed at his base, killing the dragons as I did the same. "I hope Y/u/n wins just because dream killed me." George said, everyone chuckling, and placing their bets.

In a matter of seconds I didn't even know what happened but I got thrown off the edge, Dream seeing and celebrating.. But I used my ender-pearl just in time to save myself. He didn't know that so his base continued to get more destroyed, him getting launched off.

"YES!" I said, saving myself and running around middle. "WAIT WHAT I WATCHED YOU FALL!" He said frustrated as the game over thing popped up on all our screens. "ITS CALLED ENDERPEARLS DREAM" I said, screenshotting my 'you win' title.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

I sat on my couch in my living room, watching T.V. when my phone buzzed on the coffee table. I picked it up and saw I had a message from Y/f/n.

Imessage Notification
Message from Y/f/n

I opened the notification, seeing what she had to say.

*picture of a plane ticket from her town to yours*


My plane ticket to come see you next week : )


Si, senorita


I told you if you beat the record i'd come see you so here's the proof, Ill be there on Thursday.

Thursday?! Thats in two days.. I gotta clean my apartment and get a blow up bed or something

Oki doki, I gotta go prep.. ILYSM!

And with that I got off my couch and headed to my room, changing out of my sweats and hoodie, into some comfy shorts and a tee-shirt. I grabbed my phone, purse and all that and headed out the door.

I went down the elevator and out to my car, getting in and starting it up. I put on some music and made my way to target, getting my groceries, some of Y/f/n favorite snacks and getting the air mattress. 

Making my way back to the front of the store with my full cart, I put my stuff up and paid.. Heading back home to set everything up and clean up the place.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

I opened the door to my apartment, carrying everything in and looking around the place seeing everything I have to do to get this place clean.

I put the stuff down on my kitchen counter and saw the dishes I had to do. I shrugged, continuing into my even messier room and just laid down and went on my phone, scrolling through twitter and seeing the tweet Y/f/n posted.

Y/f/u  -  3 hours ago
cya soon luv  @/Y/u/n
*Picture of the plane ticket, the important stuff blurred out.*

I liked it and commented a basic: "So exciteddd!" I turned off my phone and put it on my nightstand and felt myself getting tired, even if it was only 9pm. 

I closed my eyes and dozed off, falling asleep almost right on the spot.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

only 1154 words : (



My grandma left today but now my sister-in-law is here so idk when the next chapters gonna be up..

U don't even know how happy it makes me seeing the high read rates everyday! I love every single one of you very very much

You all inspire me to keep writing so here's this chapter for now, sorry its short and not as good as it normally is.. I didn't have an idea for this one but I have many for the next couple chapters!

The next one will be in in 1-4 days most likely, honestly don't know when it'll be up but it will soon!

once again ily all! THANK YOU FOR READING!

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