-pain (part 3)-

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-Jin's pov-

I was in a dirty basement silently waiting for what was going to happen next. I was so dizzy and wanted to just sleep. I was finding a clean place to lay down and sleep when the basement door creaks open.

"Trying to make yourself home I see," he said.

"What else do you want me to do? Cry and waste my energy. I already did when you kidnap taebear and princess. I have no tears left to cry," I said to him.

"I see, you really love both of them even though you meet them a few months ago," he retorted back.

"They are my world. I love them and that includes Jimin," I answered.

"Why do you love them so much? What do you see in them?" he asked.

"Even though is just 3 of them they always find happiness among themselves. They get bullied in school but they never let that affect them. Is just how they hold on to each other even when they are at their lowest point. That is why I love them so much," I told him.

"Wow that is a long explanation but I see why you love them so much. Now is time for you to see your beautiful children," he said while dragging me out of the basement.

He pushed me into a room. It smelled weird but that didn't bother me. The thing that bothered me was Taebear and princess were cuddling each other, their clothes ripped and their eyes fill with tears. That site made my eyes teary. I ran and hugged them and apologise to both of them for not fighting hard enough to stop him. I was ashamed of myself.

"J-JIN hyung i-i am hungry," princess said. I did not know what to do.

"Alexandar do you have anything for us to eat? Please at least feed us. Either way, you are going to kill us, "I asked.

"Let me order food for you guys. You see I am not a bad person is just I don't have any choice but to do this. And I am sorry Taehyung and Y/n, is not me who did those things to you. Is the person that is controlling me. Let me get the food for you guys," he said.

30 minutes later, he gave us our food. I watched them. It was the most painful sight to ever see. They ate the food like they have never seen it before. It was too much for me. They were still hungry so I gave them my food too but they insisted to share the food so we shared it and cuddled till we sleep.


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