Prolog + Chapter 1

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AN: hey guys this is my first fanfiction in this Fandom please go and tell me if things aren't accurate or don't make sense. Thanks for reading.


Heavily wounded, Sebastian layed his master down in the coffin. Undertaker looks like he's torn between guilt and love at the sight. "While I wanted to see Ciel in one of my handmade coffins, this is definitely not what I have imagined...not like this..." He wanted to cry, but he held back. "It's your fault!" hissed Sebastian, because Undertaker let the "real" Ciel fight against his young master and now he had to sleep for a long long time to heal. "I will wait for you, to wake" he kissed Ciels forehead and vanished into thin air.

Chapter 1: Awakening

Ciel awakes, finding himself in a run down building. "Where ..?" he asked himself, Ciel noticed that his voice sounded rough and his throat was dry. He got up and walked out of the building. "What...?!" he was shocked, this wasn't the Britain he knew. The people wore different clothings, they stared at him, he felt out of place. He ran around, hearing multiple languages and seeing many different kinds of people. There were shops with things he had never seen before. Ciel heard an announcement in the distance, but what was this thing it played on. "that doesn't matter now" Ciel told himself "I need to find out more about all of this". The Reporter said :"Recently the Avengers have been founded from the organization S.H.I.L.D. In America. They are not completely controlled by the government and are heroes that shall protect our planet. Sadly we have not been able to see one of the Avengers personally. We hope.." Ciel went away, he heard what he wanted to hear. He was a bit shocked, he slept like what? 100 years and now there was an open organization of heroes.

"Maybe they can protect me for as long as Sebastian isn't around, speaking of which where is this bastard!" those were Ciels thoughts while running and looking around more.
While running he heard some people talking to each other :"we just flew for a really long time don't you wanna rest?" "and let the day go to waste? No way!" they hurried away. "huh so flying is now a possibility, good" he thought while walking a bit more. Ciel chose a random person that looked somewhat trustworthy and asked "where is the next flying place?""Oh you mean an airport? You need to walk this road for quite awhile and then turn right, follow that way for a bit and then you can already see it on the right hand side" "thank you very much, goodbye" he said and followed those exact directions.

When he arrived at the airport he saw that multiple people had to show some kind of paper. After he took a closer look, he saw that they were passports, but not the kind that Ciel knew. "hmm somehow I need to get inside, without any papers" he looked around, in the airport wasn't that much security so mabye with some convincing, he could get in a plane. He walked towards one of the securities and said to him "you will bring me to a flying machine, no matter what" suddenly the security grapped Ciel, Ciel shrieked "not so rough!" he got carried along the way to a plane, but suddenly they were stopped by another security guard. She asked "what are you doing with this child? " she sounded worried, probably thinking that this was an abduction.

Ciel told her "you have seen nothing, go follow your duties as if nothing has happened" and she gone and did just that. They walked further, finally getting to the right plane Ciel was seated in the first class of the plane. The security guard told the flight attendance, that the child was an important guest and that they should treat him as such. They nodded not questioning the authority, the security guard left the plane and walked to his post. The rest of the passengers entered the plane and after everyone was seated and ready, the machine took of.

Ciel suddenly felt really tired, it seems like he had used a bit too much of his power and he fell asleep. He slept nearly the whole flight and only woke up shortly before they landed in America. Ciel walked out of the plane feeling rested but a bit hungry, he ignored the feeling, too busy searching for the Avengers quarters. He saw on the way out of the airport that people were controlled again, it seems the passport was asked for.

Ciel knew what he had to do so he walked casually towards the guards controlling the people and told them to "let me through". The thing is he didn't say that out loud, but he actually thought that but they did let him through while looking like they checked his visa. After that, Ciel walked out and asked someone random about the Avengers.

The kind stranger told him that there was a big building called the 'Stark Tower' in New York, that building is basically famous for housing the Avengers. "Ah thank you very much, but how do I get there" Ciel asked "oh! you could call a taxi that would drive you, just around that corner there's a line waiting for passengers." Thank you again for your help, kind sir, well I will be off, I wish you a happy day" he said in that, as always, posh way and walked towards one of those Taxis. He controlled one of the driver to drive him where he wanted to go and than they drove off.

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