Chapter 1

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[A quick thing:

Izuku will be refered to as "Deku".

When someone is speaking, it'll be "example".
When someone is thinking, it will be example.
When I'm speaking (the author/Sky/BP/BP964) It'll be example.

This will be done in POV's.

That's all you need to know. Enjoy the story!]

Deku's P.O.V

My training with All Might had passed really quickly. I impressed him by clearing the entire beach- he gave me his quirk, One For All.

It's already the day of the entrance exams and I'm really nervous- I hope I don't run into Kacchan.

Mom opened my door quietly.
"Izuku dear, get up, you don't want to be late for the exams!" She told me.
"I know Mom, I'll be getting up now!" I reply cheerfully, covering up my somewhat obvious worry.
"Be brave dear. I know you'll do brilliantly!" My Mom reassured me. It helped a lot.
"Thanks Mom. I won't let you down!" I cheered.

She smiled, leaving and closing my bedroom door behind her. I got changed, heading downstairs for breakfast.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured myself a bowl of honey-nut cornflakes (without milk). I ate it quickly, then packed my bag.

"Izuku honey, you're going to be late!" My Mom called me.
"Sorry Mom, I'm going now!" I responded.
"Izuku dear, before you go..." My Mom started.
I looked into her eyes, waiting for her to finish.
"Be careful. I'm proud of you, son!" She finished. I smiled.
"I will, Mom, and thanks!" I reassure her. She smiles back, seeming relieved. "I've gotta go now, see you Mom!"

And with that, I left for the entrance exams. It was a 5 minute walk, and it was ery peaceful until I reached the school gates.

"Get out of my way, you shitty nerd!" I heard a voice yell. A voice I dreaded.

It was Kacchan.

Bakugou's P.O.V

"Get out of my way, you shitty nerd!" I screamed at useless Deku. He tensed up and (after a few seconds) turned around, in the perfect position for me to explode him in.
"K-Kacchan..!" He whispered, clearly frightened.
"I'm gonna be the only one out of our school to get in UA! The rest of you are useless!" I told him with confidence showing in my voice.
The shitty nerd was trembling so I shoved him, then continued to walk. Time to destroy these exams, and become better than All Might himself!

Uraraka's P.O.V

I saw the ash-blonde haired boy shout at the poor boy, who was much smaller than him. I realised he was falling to the floor, so I quickly dashed towards him and made him float. He spaced out for a couple of seconds before freaking out.
"Everything is fine, here!" I told him, putting him on his feet.
"T-Thank you... Um...?" He started.
"My name is Ochaco, Ochaco Uraraka. It's nice to meet you! What's your name?" I told him, asking him his own question.
"M-My name is M-Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku! It's n-nice to meet y-you too!" He stuttered.
"We should head to the hall, we don't wanna miss the exams!" I told him, thinking of the time.
"R-Right!" He agreed. We walked together.

Izuku's P.O.V

A girl! A girl helped me! A girl TALKED to me! I can't believe it! A GIRL! We walked to the hall together, then parted ways to go to our seats. I had to sit next to Kacchan... I was a bit worried he would blow me up any minute.

A few minutes of waiting later, Present Mic came up on stage. My inner fanboy was probably showing.

He explained to us what we had to do. The task was to beat robots to earn points, and there were 4 types. A navy blue haired boy, who was very tall spoke up.
"Present Mic Sir, It says there are 4 types of robots, but you have only told us about 3. If these are misprints, UA, the most prestigious school for heroes should be ashamed of this error! And you, the boy with green curly hair!" He half-yelled, then turned his attention to me. I jumped a little. "Stop mumbling, can you not see you are distracting other students and making them uncomfortable?"
I internally screamed.
"S-Sorry!" I muttered.
"Thank you for pointing that out. The answer to your question is that the fourth type of robot is a 0 pointer. I guess you could call them 'obstacles'." Present Mic stated.
"Thank you sir." The navy-haired boy stated, sitting down.
"Now everything is cleared up, ARE YOU READY?!" Present Mic shouted at the top of his lungs.

There was a deadly silence.

"I SAID, ARE YOU READY?!" He repeated.

A few of us, including me, responded with a meek "Yeah", but that was it. The Pro hero's face seemed to sink a little bit.
"I guess you're a... Quiet bunch, huh..." He said, still quite loudly. "Onto the exams!"

Time passed quite quickly. Before I knew it, I was standing, ready to fight in the exams. I looked around, and spotted the brunette from earlier, Ochaco. I began to go towards her, but a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around, realising it was the navy blue haired boy from earlier.
"She looks like she is deep in thought, you shouldn't disturb her. It could ruin her chances of passing! Think about how you will pass instead of always troubling others!" He scolded me.
"S-Sorry, I didn't realise!" I apologised. He was rather intimidating.
He then walked away, leaving me to think.

"3,2,1, GO!" A voice boomed.

It happened so fast I didn't have a chance to realise what was going on. Multiple students had dashed towards the robots, including Kacchan. I decided to do the same, and tried to find a robot to beat for points.

It was just my luck that I couldn't find any. I then heard a scream from the right of me. I went to check it out, and saw Ochaco underneath a robot's foot, about to be crushed! Why wasn't anyone doing anything?! I started moving without thinking again, and smashed the robot into peices. Many people looked amazed. I then felt a massive pain in my arm. I looked at it and found it... Broken?!

I started falling to the floor immediately. I'm doomed!
I started punching the air to slow down the fall, but it only made it worse. I broke another arm. Now I'm definitely screwed!

As I was about to hit the floor, a hand smacked me across the face, and I began floating, inches away from the ground. I realised who did it immediately- Ochaco! Ochaco saved me! I sighed in relief.

A stretcher came and took me away. I slowly fell asleep, everything faded to black.

--Hours Later--

I woke up in a white room. It was quite clean... I assumed this was the medical room.

A short old lady walked up to me. She wore her grey hair in a bun, and had a white lab coat looking thing on. I assumed she was a nurse?
"Hello, dearie. You feeling better?" She asked me.
"Y-Yes thank you." I replied.
"Now, a quick question... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!"
Her quick outburst shocked me.
"I-I-I was t-trying to protect O-Ochaco!" I stuttered, nervous. She scared me!
"I see, she's your friend. That was still stupid, but I'll let you off this time! You'll need to keep thos bandages on for a bit, you really destroyed your arm. I couldn't fully heal them with my quirk!" She told me in a bitter tone.
"Y-Yes Ma'am!" I agreed.
"Off you pop now. I have other patients to take care of!" She demanded.

I instantly jumped off the bed, leaving the room. I walked out and headed home, nervous for the results.

End of Chapter 1

Sorry it's not very good, I'm not very used to writing liek this. I'm sure I'll get better at it eventually! Until next time...


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All For Me, None For You *^A BNHA fanfiction^*Where stories live. Discover now