Jealous Little Boy

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"Cheers! For the new wed couple!" Shawn yelled as everybody cheered for Travis and Ling Ling.

Rose gave Ling Ling a cheeky smile which made her giggle. Rose glance over the corner and spotted Ambrosia with Hawk. Looking at them together makes her wanna puke so bad. On the other side, she's happy for them.

"Rose?" Astoria tapped Rose on the shoulder, giving her a curious look.

Rose raised an eyebrow and signalled her to continue-

"Is something wrong? You've been acting kinda off since the party started..." Astoria sighed.

She shook her head and said no. Good thing she wasn't a bad liar. Astoria believed her then her attention was back to the couple.

Rose glanced over Ambrosia and Hawk one last time. It seems like they were getting along. She then rested her head on her hand, having a sly expression on her face as she stared at the lovley couple (Travis and Ling Ling).

'When will I find my soulmate? It's clear Hawk isn't meant to be with me...' She thought.


"Don't be like that, Rose. Let's celebrate their wedding day" Joy tried dragging Rose to the dance floor where everybody was having their own romantic dance.

"Joy... There's no way she would leave that seat" Shawn face palmed.

After a while her friends gave up and then joined the others on the dance floor. She sighed sadly, she knew she would be lonely today. Almost all of her friends have their little dates.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone..." A masculine voice was heard.

Before she looked back, the mysterious guy already dragged her outside. There, beautiful sightings were found (garden).

"Hey! Where are you-" Before she could continue, a familiar face appeared in front of her.

"Missed me?" The guy smirked, playing with his hair.

"A-adonis?" She smilled as she swung her hands and wrapped it around him.

The guy gave her a gentle pat on the head before letting go of her.

"Long time no see, Rose" He said as he gave her a rose.

Rose just gave him shy smile.

Little did she know, someone was watching then from a distance. It was the Snow White.

Adonis placed his hand on her cheek, asking her a permission for kiss. Their lips were about to meet when someone shouted-

"Snow Magic!" Hawk yelled, revealing himself from the bush he was hiding.

A block of ice then appeared between Rose and Adonis, separating the two.

"Hawk? What the hell?!" Adonis growled, aiming Hawk with his wand, about to release some sort of spell.

Rose calmed Adonis down. Slowly loosening his grip onto his wand.
She was relieved nothing bad really happened.

"STAY AWAY FROM ROSE, ADONIS!" Hawk yelled still aiming Adonis.

"What?! Are you jealous because I get to kiss Rose and not you?!" He gave Hawk a sly smirk.

"I-  no. I'm just- I don't trust you with her" He reasoned out, stuttering a little.

Adonis sighed sadly-

'Maybe it's not the right moment to kiss Rose' Adonis sighed, surrending.


"Now it's just you and me" Hawk smirked, having a flirty voice on.

Rose didn't seem to be happy at all-

"Why did you suddenly popped out of nowhere? We were about to kiss..." Rose sighed, thinking that it was supposed to be her first kiss.

"I don't know... I suddenly felt... a little jealous" Hawk said, whispering the last three words.

Hopefully, Rose wasn't able to hear what he said.

"Felt a little- what?" Rose was curious.

Hawk wanted to tell her so bad, but sadly he was lack of words-

"Nevermind... Let's just meet the others" He sighed as he left.

'What was he about to say?'

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