"I'm sorry."

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Lynzel's POV

Death, leap, cry, revive

It's the only thing that's on my mind, repeating over and over again as I walked upstairs going to the rooftop of my school. Admiring the view of the sunset, I looked down and see my other classmates are going home now. Happily talking about what they've done for today.

"I wished I could be like them." I whispered to myself quietly, holding on the railing that separate me from here and the ground below.

As I watched the others leave the school, I saw my 'friends' laughing with the others.

'You don't belong here.'

'Get lost.'

'Why are you here anyways?'

'Why do you exist?'

'You're just a burden to anyone.'

'Why don't you just take a leap from the rooftop and see where it will take you!'

Static. That's all I heard as their words echoed from my mind and a few tears escaping from my eyes. I take off my shoes and put it beside me. I go over the railings while holding on the metal bar that separates me before from falling down.

'I guess nothing's gonna stop me now.'

I take my final breath and smiled as I leap over the edge.

'This is it. I'm finally going to be free.'

As I stared at the ground that is coming close to contact.

'Thank you, everyone.'

And now there's darkness.

Liam's POV

Class is finally over and that's all it matters. I get my stuff and put it in my bag.

"Bro, are you good to go? The others are waiting for us" my friend told me, feeling excited about going home.

"Yeah sure, let's go!"

As we are walking out of the school's premises. I can hear the others talking about 'her' and I didn't care about it.

A few seconds has passed until..


I heard one of my friends gasp while staring behind me. I stopped walking and looked behind. There I saw her, dead, smiling creepily, staring at me with open eyes. I felt a chill escape me as I stand there. I stared at her body noticing that a tear escaped from her eye and blood pouring out of her. I was shocked and I started to sweat. Sweat of guilt. My heart is beating faster than ever and I'm started to shake a little while tears are escaping from my eyes. The others started to whisper something to each other. I didn't turn around to see their reaction or what they are saying.

I'm terrified.

I knew it was my fault. I started to think about when I told her...... that.
She knew that it was my fault. Guilt, grief and sadness started to take over me, thinking about anything that I've done to her and what I've said to her. Until I heard the sirens coming.

'My friends must've called an ambulance.' I thought to myself.

When the ambulance have arrived they told us to back away from the dead body. After that, they took her away.

At home at 3 AM

I couldn't sleep. The look of her face laying there keeps haunting me. She was smiling while staring at me, it was like she was happy for what she'd done.
She was happy for her death. Minutes passed and I'm starting to surround myself with negative thoughts, the guilt of telling her to kill herself is suffocating me. It didn't take long enough that I decided to sleep. While I was asleep, I saw something. I saw her smiling at me.

'Thank you for telling me to kill myself and now I'm free.' she said to me before she disappeared.

I woke up with beads of sweat on my forehead. I checked my alarm clock and it was 6 in the morning. I sighed and get out of my bed, preparing myself for class.

After Class

I was tired, the fact that I always saw her face keeps me awake and thinking. So I went up to the roof. Where she could possibly jumped. When I was walking around the rooftop, I almost tripped on something.

"What the-"

I looked to see what it was, and I saw... her black shoes. I exactly knew who it belonged to. It started to haunt me again. But pushed it aside. I picked up the pair of shoes laying beside the railing, where she must've jumped, and thought that I could give it back to her. So I went downstairs and started to head over to our classroom. As I was putting her shoes on her desk, I could've swore the she was there, staring at me. I froze. I started to shake my head in the process and after that, she was gone. She was just an hallucination. She was just my imagination.

After giving her shoes back, I went home, thinking about her funeral in a few days.

Funeral Day

I'm still at home. The guilt became over bearing as time passed by. I can't even face her for one last time. All the negativity surrounds me once again.

A few minutes passed, I decided to attend and get dressed. When I got there, the first thing I saw was her parents, crying, my heart became too heavy and sadness loomed over me. Her mother, she couldn't control her emotions. It was too much. I knew it was me. It was my fault. I blamed myself over and over while I observed the situation. To my surprise, our classmates showed up and everyone's quiet. No one knows that it was me that told her such words. No one even knows.

A few hours have passed, everyone started to go home. But before that, they left her with some letters and presents beside her casket. Only three people stayed and it was me and her parents. They told me that they want to be left alone for a bit. I did follow them but I only stood behind a tree. When they thought that I was far enough, they tell to her that they will get the justice she deserved. While they were talking, my mind repeats everything that has happened. Unknowingly, tears overflow my eyes. I couldn't stop it. The pain was too much. After a while, I stared at the moon, shining brightly and said.

"I'm sorry..."

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