"Short story"

11 2 0

Tick tok , Tick tok

The sound of the clock echoes in the room as I lie awake in my bed. I checked the clock to see what's the time yet.

"11:45 pm" I muttered.

After a minute passed I decided to get off my bed and make a cup of tea to ease my mind. Something felt off.... but I didn't know what it is. I shrugged it off and proceed to go to the kitchen to boil some water. While I wait, my mind tend to wander off a bit.

For the past 2 weeks, I met Emily. We met when I was still moving all my things in this new apartment that I bought. In that time, I got to know her well. What a coincidence! Her apartment is right across mine and we can talk through the window.

Everytime that we saw each other through the window, we would either have a short conversation or just smile and wave before going back to work. Days passed by, and I noticed that she's always on her window. She seemed to be waiting for me, every single time. Always smiling and staring at me wide eyed thats almost so unsettling.

Something doesn't feel right... but I shrugged it off thinking that she maybe too stressed with her work. My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the water boiling.

While making the tea, I smiled at the memory that I made with her. But then I realized that every time I talk to her on the window she seemed to be going thinner and thinner. Her skin was getting darker and darker, her lips were dry and her eyes... Her eyes void of emotion yet her smile remained.

After I make the tea, I saw her on the window again and go up to her. I became excited, she always waits for me. But before I strike a conversation with her, I saw something... I saw a rope on her neck. In shock, I dropped my cup into my carpet and spilling the tea all over.

I was frozen in fear, cold air entered through my body. Strong winds gushed past through the apartment as the clock chimed at 12, making the hanging body swayed a little bit.

Still staring at me smilling widely and eerily.

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