1. The Counter in Lemon

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"Hello, Sherlock."

She finally answered the call, although she tapped the green button with a heavy heart. She put a lot of effort in trying not to sound sad.

"Is this urgent? Because I'm not having a good day." Her voice sounded gloomy nonetheless.

When she woke up this morning, she felt a certain heaviness in everything she was doing. The lab seemed strange, she was working in an auto-mode. She might not have a memory palace, but her body definitely had a muscle memory and was able to work with her brain detached.

"Molly, I just want you to do something very easy for me and not ask why", Sherlock said fast as usual.

No "hello", no "how are you doing". Molly was used to his obnoxious behaviour but that day it only worsened her already bad mood. She wasn't willing to deal with his craziness and arrogance. Not after all the tears she cried once she got back home from work. Not after realising it was another day of her lonely life. Another day of loving a person that could not care less about her.

You do count. You've always counted and I've always trusted you.

What a bunch of lies. She was useful to him in the best case scenario. She could show him bodies that should not be shown or let him use the lab equipment. She was the necessary leverage in his battle with Moriarty, but this was the only reason he wanted to spend an entire day with her - to thank her. On the rest of the days he was just manipulative as always. She didn't matter to him in any sort of personal meaning of this word.

Usually, she would become his minion one more time, but that day she wasn't going to play along.

"Oh, God, is this one of your stupid games?"

"It's not a... game, I need you to help me". His voice suddenly softened a bit, leading Molly to confusion.

"Well, I'm not at the lab-"

"It's not about that", he interrupted in a strangely nervous tone.

The nervousness got to her as well. The tea she intended to drink was starting to get cold and she resumed the making process to keep her hands busy. She felt it must have been something unusual, even for Sherlock Holmes.

"Well... quickly, then", she replied, half-consciously cleaning up the kitchen counter.

But he remained silent for another couple of seconds. She started losing her patience.

"Sherlock!", she rushed him. "What is it? What do you want?"

He finally spoke up.

"Molly, please, without asking why, just say these words."

She thought that maybe this time it wouldn't be that bad of a game. Maybe he just wanted to solve a funny puzzle and needed to hear it from someone else's lips?

"What words?", she asked with a little of a smile on her face.

"I love you."

The bad mood, which was almost gone, got back immediately. So, after all, it was his another mockery. Another way to make her feel stupid and small in the face of the great, brilliant Sherlock Holmes. Her body started trembling a bit and she lost interest in the conversation right away. She took back the phone from her ear and look at the screen, her finger ready to tap the red icon.

"Leave me alone."

"No, Molly, please, no, don't hang up! Do not hang up!"

It was the first time Molly heard Sherlock in such desperate tone. What was it all about? No, never mind that. She stopped caring about his reason for this call. She didn't want to talk to him. Not like that. Not about that. She was fed up with his ignorance of her presence and feelings. Mocking her was where she drew the line.

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