Chapter 6

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When I wake up, the ghost of the agony from this evening still haunts me. They must've taken me out of the cage, as I am now led in a bed that I can only assume is Regina's, in a hidden corner of her vault. My face is covered in bandages which, as the memories slowly come back to me, I realise must be covering the scratches I gave myself.

Before I can even alert anyone to the fact that I'm awake, my legs swing off the bed and walk me over to the wall. My head bangs against the stone wall, and I cry out as it hits exactly the same place it did last time.

In the corner of my eye, I notice Mum, Dad, Killian and Regina come running at the sound of my voice, but once again they are powerless to do anything about it.

I fall to the floor, managing to stay on the brink of consciousness. Killian runs forward and helps me back onto the bed and they all crowd around me, wanting answers but afraid to ask for them.

"I'm fine. You really don't need to worry," I try and convince them but Regina sees right through my act.

"You're not fine. You've just reopened a head wound that I assume will just keep reopening every time you resist the dagger. Can't you think of a less aggressive punishment that still counts?"

"Can you?" I fire back, annoyed at her for thinking I haven't tried. Does she think I want to have a head wound for the rest of my life? She shakes her head. "That's what I thought."


I look Emma in the eyes, hoping she can see the sympathy I feel for her. I can't tell her I understand, because I don't. I've never been controlled by a dark wizard. I shoot a pointed look at Snow, David and Killian, before shifting my eyes to the door. They seem to get the message, and leave us in peace.

"How are you?" She looks over herself before answering.

"I mean, I hurt all over and I'm bleeding from multiple places on my head and face, but otherwise I'm just perfect." Of course she uses sarcasm as a wall.

"No, Emma, I can see you're physically in pain. How are you?" She sighs, giving in.

"I almost killed my father. I deserve all of this. I just hope that Gold doesn't make me do anything worse." I go to place my hand on her shoulder but hesitate, not sure if I'm OK to do so. A nod in my direction gives me my answer, so I finish the action, hoping to comfort her.

"Emma, I have done so many bad things, and they were actually me. I've stood in the middle of villages that I torched and laughed at the pain I've caused. I murdered my own father so that I could get revenge on your mother for telling a secret. And I don't have the darkness to blame. The actions of the Dark Swan, they aren't you. Once your back to full health, I wouldn't be surprised if you can fight the darkness. No one blames you for any of it." I finish my speech and she smiles sadly at me.

"Thanks, Regina."


Regina goes to leave, but a thought hits me and I stop her.

"Once you took me out the cage, why didn't I immediately transport to wherever Gold was summoning me from?" She shrugs.

"If I had to guess, I would say that either some of the cages magic was still stopping yours, or he stopped summoning you. Probably the latter." I nod my head in acknowledgement. I jump as the clock strikes 11. It can't be that time already. We need to prepare for meeting Gold at the town line. Now that my parents know, it shouldn't count as resisting the dagger. However, the order was to 'act like nothing happened,' so it might.

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