Chapter 11

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We approach the Chief, bowing as we near him.

"Great Powhatan," I start. "We are honoured to meet you." Once I finish speaking, we straighten up, and he smiles at us. We are stood in the middle of the largest building. Around us on benches sits every Powhatan who lives within a mile radius. In front of us sits the Chief, with Pocahontas on his left. She brought us in front of this gathering which, from our research this morning, is how everything is decided.

"Why do you seek Grandmother Willow?" He gets straight to the point.

"We seek her wisdom on a problem from Storybrooke, where we have travelled from," Regina replies. We still haven't introduced her, although I apologised for not doing it yesterday, she agreed for the best.

"Why does the Saviour seek wisdom from an ancient Powhatan guide?" So he knows who I am. Great. I decide that part of the truth is the best way to go, and have a silent conversation with Regina, who I think agrees with me.

"The Dark One was living in our town, but Merlin's apprentice managed to get the darkness out of his heart. However, it escaped and started attacking Regina, so I tethered it to myself. We were told she might know how to get rid of it."

"So you are the Dark One, as well as the Saviour?" I nod my head in shame, wishing I could just disappear. I've always hated having the responsibility of being the Saviour, but having the reputation of being the Dark One is even worse.

"I'm sorry."


I listen to Emma apologise for being the Dark One and my heart goes out for her. Now she puts everyone she goes near in danger just by being there.

The Chief tells his people what Emma has says, as not all of them learned English. They then discuss it in their language, which I don't recognise.

They finish discussing, and the Chief turns back to Emma.

"We will allow you to meet Grandmother Willow, but you have to promise not to use magic." He then turns to me. "And you must control her if anything happens." I nod my head.

"I will do so to the best of my ability. However, we don't have the dagger, so I will not be able to completely." He nods his head in acknowledgment and stands back for Pocahontas to come forward.

"Come. Let's go." She leads us to a small boat and jumps in, steadying it for us.

"Thank you," I say, perching in the end. Emma sits on the other end and Pocahontas separates us, rowing.

After a while, she rows through a waterfall of willow branches into a cove that I wouldn't have noticed in passing. In the middle is a huge tree trunk. The roots form a small island in the water, which Pocahontas leads us to.

As we near the tree trunk, what originally appeared to be a covered up hole morphs into something resembling a face and speaks.

"Pocahontas. You've brought visitors."


When the tree speaks, I freeze in shock for a moment. I'm not sure why. I've been around magic for a good few years now, but a talking tree? Really? Pocahontas introduces us to Grandmother Willow. She finishes explaining our mission (or what she knows of it) the tree turns to us as much as a tree can.

"That's not all, though, is it?" This reminds me of when I went back in time with Hook and the Blue Fairy knew that my name was not Leia.

"Pocahontas, can you wait outside?" Her eyes widen, but Grandmother Willow replies before Pocahontas can.

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