Chapter 2

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There were points where I would wake up, but everything was dizzy and muffled and soon I would slip back into darkness.

Finally, I was able to open my eyes and see and hear what was going on. I was laying on my side. I was curled up and the first thing my eyes laid on was Nick who was reading a book. "Hey kid it's good to seeing you up." He smiled and I felt my tail wag.

"Your still here..." I said my voice was weak and my throat was dry.

"Of course, I am. I had to make sure you were okay." He said and started to pet me gently. "So, on that note. How are you feeling?" he asked looking at me.

"A bit numb." I answered and he nodded his face looked sad causing me to frown my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I said my words dripping with worry.

"Listen pup..." he trailed off looking like he was thinking over his words carefully. "I can't stay with you." He said gently and I quickly sat up, regretting it as I let out a groan of pain.

"Wh-why not!?" I yelled tears pricking my eyes, but I refused to cry.

"Because I don't own you. It's the law pup..." he said.

"Nate, I don't understand." I said grabbing his arm.

He jerked away from me, making me feel a thud in my chest. "You're an animal! Thus, you're a pet! You're something to me bought!" he yelled at me and I felt tears slide down my cheeks and off my chin. "You have to go to a pet shop so someone can take you home and make you happy." He said in a much calmer voice.

"B-but..." I was cut off by a new male walking in making me frown deeply, my ears folding back.

"This is Tim, he owns one of the best pet shops in the city." Nate said smiling trying to make me feel better.

"NO! I don't want to go! I want to stay with you!" I yelled as Tim got closer and told me everything was going to be okay.

I just growled at him my tail low as I bared my fangs at him. "Weyln please don't make this harder on yourself." Nate said sadly and I looked at him as Tim grabbed me.

"No! Please, Nick! I'll be good! Please!" I screamed full-on crying now as I reached for Nick. He turned his head away covering his mouth as I saw him crying as well.

I was carried to a car  wail I cried and thrashed until I felt a prick in my neck. My body started to feel heavy and numb. I soon went limp so all I was doing was crying. I was laid in the backseat, my head resting on a pillow. "Don't worry little one, I just gave you a muscle relaxer." He said wail rubbing my head before he put a weighted blanket on my body. It was warm, it felt like a hug. I slowly calmed down as I realized I had used up all my energy. I felt tired so I closed my eyes. "Rest now little one." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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