Chapter 4

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"Tim...?" I asked the tall man who was leading me somewhere. He had one arm around my shoulder.

"Yes?" he asked looking down at me.

"Where are we going?" I felt the silliness starting to go away.

"Well someone is going to take you home with them." He said and that's when I saw a tall male, he had brownish blonde hair easily 6'6 that towered over my 5'6 frame. His golden eyes showed interest as he stared at me.

My ears folded back as I tried to back away, but Tim still had his arm around me. "You must be Weyln. "I'm Keon, you're new daddy." The man smiled, my ears twitched in anger and the hair on my neck took on end.

"Like hell you are!" I snarled showing my fangs hoping it would scare him away, but I still didn't have all my strength back.

"Don't make a scene pup." The man said in a stern voice.

"Fuck you!" I snarled and went to run away. I didn't make it far before an arm wrapped around my chest pulling me back and into someone's chest. I felt something put around my neck and I heard the click causing my eyes to widen. I was collared.

I was put on his hip and I started to beat on his chest and back. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN! LET ME GO!" I snarled trying to claw at him, but it seemed like his clothes withstood my attacks.

He carried me to a car and opened the back door where I saw seat?! He easily seemed to overpower me and got me in it strapping me in. I started thrashing and screaming. I was close to hyperventilating, but I couldn't calm down. Soon everything went dark.


I could tell that this wouldn't be easy. But I'm up for a challenge. He was panicking a lot. He needed sleep so he could calm down before he made himself sick. I pulled out a needle and popped off the cap. He didn't even seem to notice as I stuck it in an exposed vain in his arm and he quickly slumped in his car seat.

It took an hour and a half to get home thankfully he slept the whole way. I parked, quickly getting out of the car and over to the car seat getting him out. He needed new bandages and a bath. This wouldn't be fun.

I gently picked him up and put him on my hip setting his head on my shoulder. He was slowly starting to wake up. "Whe...where are w...e?" he asks his voice slow and raspy as he tried to regain his bearings.

"You're new home." I said in a cheerful voice. "We're going to give you a bath and rewrap your wounds, so they don't get infected." I said petting him gently, he was still groggy so I knew he didn't have the strength to fight me, but he would most likely try to bite me.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me before setting him on the toilet lid. "I suggest for your own good you don't try to bite me." I told him in a calm voice starting a warm bubble bath. He glared at me and I could see the wheels in his head turning as he contemplated what his next moves would be.


I didn't want to get hurt more and I didn't know what this man could do and if he would do anything to me. I need to get some strength back then I could get out of here and find a place to call home.

He had decent sized muscles so I could tell he was strong. I didn't know what his intensions were, but he was going to try to get me submit. Thankfully, I'm a stubborn bastard so he'll have his work cut out for him.

If I had the strength to run, I would have already been out here. But I'm pretty sure I can barely walk. He turned to me and stood easily towering over me. He went to pick me up so he could undress me. "Oh hell no. No way are you undressing me!" I yelled at him but after some struggling, he had me stripped and in the bath causing me to pout and growl at him.

He ignored it however and started talking. "Alright little one, I'm going to take the bandages off so tell me if it hurts to much and I'll call my sister for some pain meds." He informed me. So, he had a sister? Maybe she can help me get out of here!

He carefully undid the bandages. I was fine until he started pulling off the bottom layer, my eyes widened in pain as a scream escaped my mouth. "STOP!" I yelled at him trying to get away from him. My heart was racing, and my breathing was uneven from the pain and panic.

"Hold still and it wont hurt as much little one!" he yelled over my screaming and the sloshing now dirty water. I howled in pain as the last one was pulled off. Tears stained my cheeks my eyes wide with pain. I wasn't much of a crying. Few things actually made me cry and this level of pain was one of those things.


I looked at his back, my eyes widened in horror. I didn't expect his wounds to be this bad. There where three slash marks, most likely caused by another wolf's claws. Each one was seven inches long and without stitches probably three inches wide.

He was crying quietly shaking pretty bad. "I know pup..." I said in a soft voice. "But I need to clean them." I stated.

"NO! YOU'LL MAKE IT HURT MORE!" he yelled at me trying to get away again.

I unlocked the door and opened it enough for me to poke my head out without him noticing. "KERES! Can you come give me a hand?!" I had her come over today for help in setting up the nursery. Soon I saw red hair come in as my sisters worried eyes met mine. "I need to clean his back; can you distract him?" I whispered in her ear and she nodded excited to see her nephew so soon.


I looked at my new nephew in the tub his eyes red and glossy from all his cry his face flushed. I then saw his back and I understood why I was called in. I kneeled to the pup. "Hey there sweetie, I'm Keres, this dumbasses sister and your aunt." I saw the pup smile and a small adorable giggle escape his lips as my brother smiled and rolled his eyes starting to clean his baby boy up making him yelp and whimper. "Hey baby boy focus on me. Can you tell me your name?" I said getting his focus back on me.

"W-Weyln Maddox m-ma'am." He told me his voice wavered a bit.

I rubbed his cheek. "Such an interesting name, what does it mean?" I smiled, wail raising an eyebrow.

He blushed shyly leaning into my touch, like he wasn't used to this kind of attention. "Son of the Wolf..." he mumbled tiredly.

"So, you're a prince?" this caught both me and my brother's attention.

He shrugged a bit. "I suppose you could say that my father is the leader and chief of the pack." So, he was a prince.

"Why did you leave you Pack?"

"Father wanted me to kill my brother to see if I was ready to become the next chief." He said in a dark grave tone, I dark look in his ice blue eyes. "I didn't want to but before I could get away, he...he attacked me..." he bowed his head, clenching his fist so tight his knuckles were white.

I frowned. He's just a kid and his father wanted him to kill his own brother? That rough and not right. "I'm sorry little one, that must have been horrible." I said gently and pet him gently a soft whimper emanating from him.

"You're all clean now pup." Keon said proudly and lifted the boy wrapping him in a fluffy towel even though he was squirming. "Stop little one before I drop you." He said frowning as he went off to take Weyln to his nursery to dress him and rebandage him. I waved bye as I went home for the night.

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