Chapter 3

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As I slowly woke up, I was in an empty room with nothing but the bed I was laying on. My brain felt fuzzy and I still felt weak, I held my head that felt as if it were pounding but I couldn't feel any pain, it felt like I had eaten Moon Berries too late. The tend to make me and others from the Pack feel high, it kinda felt good, considering that I now don't feel any pain from my back.

I heard the door open and saw Tim walk in. "You're awake, that's good! Just in time for the auction!" Tim said in a chipper voice.

"What...?" my voice slurred a bit before I felt another prick in my neck making me yelp.

"Don't worry pup, this is just to keep you under control, plus you won't feel any pain . sound good right?" he said helping me stand as I gave him a nod.

My brain felt even fuzzier, I felt weird as I looked around everything blurry and spinning. Tim lead me onto a stage that's lights were too bright, there were a bunch of...of humans in chairs. I furrowed my eyebrows. I grabbed Tim's arm for support since the floor was so wavy looking. "T-Tim...? This...this isn't...right. I...I'm not supposed..." he shushed me gently, sitting me in a chair, handing some type of shiny toy.

'"Don't worry kid, just sit here and play with your new toy." I felt so weird...but good I don't know what the toy was, but it was pretty. I heard Tim talking but I couldn't understand what he was saying. He sounded muffled. Oh well.


I sat in the crowded auction house my arms crossed over my chest as I watched animal after animal being sold. I wanted a new pet. Someone I could love and take care of. I wanted a baby boy.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw a wolf pup get lead onto stage. I looked confused because just like the others, he had been drugged pretty heavily to keep him calm. I watch the boy attempt to talk to Tim, trying to understand what was going on but everyone knew his brain was too drugged up to understand so he was handed a toy and sat in the chair.

"Here we have Weyln Madoxx! He was found a few days ago. He has never been owned or trained before. He's a seventeen-year-old wolf. He had wounds on his back, but we do not know what caused them. Bidding will start at $110,000!" Tim yelled.

He was perfect. His black hair with a white streak through it, the tips of his ears, and tail had white on them too. He was dressed in his bloody shorts and bandages. Weird that they didn't clean him up. His ice-blue eyes were foggy and glazed over due to the drugs in his system.

As I heard the number getting higher, I decided that I wanted him. "$8,000,000!" I stood and yelled, causing everyone to stop yelling out knowing they couldn't beat my number, I just smirked at that.

"Going once...going twice...SOLD! To the man in the black button up and red tie! Come back to claim your new pet!" I smiled in excitement as I watched my new baby boy get lead back, so I quickly made my way back excited to see him up close.

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