𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐓𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬

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3rd Person POV

SITTING IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT, [Y/N] and Stanley sat back in their seats, smiles on their faces as they passed a joint between them.

"What if..." Began Stanley, interrupting himself with a small laugh, "What if... the ceiling was the floor."
[Y/N] shot him a confused look, a few giggles escaping as she did so.
"Well, I guess nothing would be different." She shrugged and took another drag.

"What do you mean?"
"If the ceiling was the floor, then we'd design everything as it is now- only upside down. So it would be the same and feel the same." Explained the girl, Stanley nodding in understanding as she spoke.
"Huh. I guess you're right."

The pain in [Y/N]'s ankle had slowly disappeared, she had almost forgot it had even happened. The two of them continued to laugh together until Stanley caught sight of Mr. File slowly making his way towards them.

"Shit!" He said, grabbing the joint and putting it out, stuffing it in the glove compartment.
Rushing to grab her bag, [Y/N] took out her perfume, spraying it around inside the car to try and hide the strong smell of weed.
She also picked up a pair of pink tinted sunglasses, carefully sliding them on her face to cover her now red eyes.

Mr. File stopped by the driver's side window, eyes narrowed in suspicion as he eyed up the two teens. Tapping on the glass, he motioned for Stanley to roll down the window, which he did.

As always, it took a while. The situation grew awkward as the three of them waited for said window to roll down, [Y/N] giving Mr. File a strained smile while Stanley kept his eyes wandering around- hidden by his own sunglasses.

Eventually, it stopped, Mr. File's nose scrunching up at the strong smell of vanilla.
"Hello, sir. What can we do for you this fine morning, sir?" Said Stanley, a small grin on his face.
Trying to hide her giggles, [Y/N] gently smacked his arm, "You said sir twice!"
Stanley shushed her whilst also holding back laughter.

Humming, Mr. File gave them both a tight lipped smile.
"Don't you think you two ought to be heading to class?" He said.
"Yes. Sure. Of course." [Y/N] and Stan made their way out of the car. Rushing to close their doors.
[Y/N] straightened our her skirt and threw her bag over her shoulder as the both of them looked at each other- grinning and making their way towards school.


Hey! Sorry this was was short, the next one should be a little longer!
- B x

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