𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬

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3rd Person POV

The day had been long and draining, each class seemingly longer than the last. Deciding to take a detour on her way home, [Y/N] began to change her route and towards Fiddle's Diner.
After a particularly shitty day, the girl would either go to Stanley's and listen to some vinyl- sometimes getting high alongside it- or go to Fiddle's Diner for a sickly sweet vanilla milkshake.


Syd's POV

"So, what, are you guys, like, suddenly girlfriend and boyfriend or something?" I asked, wondering why the fuck Dina and Bradley 'dickhead' Lewis were suddenly so close.
"I mean, we haven't put a label on it yet, but..." I prepared myself as Dina trailed off.
Of course she'd ditch me for Bradley. I mean- hey, I'm happy for her but, well... you know.

"I really like him, okay?" Dina sighed as I used the straw to stir the remains of my milkshake.

This is the worst.

"Yeah. Oh, yeah. No. Sure, I get it." I mumbled, keeping my head down, not wanting to look her in the eye.
Fuck Dina for sleeping with Brad and accepting his homecoming invite.
But also fuck me because I'm being kind of selfish I guess.
"Just give him a chance." Said Dina with a smile, making me reluctantly smile too.

The door bell thingy sounded, my head shooting up to see who it was.

She's fucking pretty as hell.

"[Y/N], hey! Come sit with us." Dina called out to the girl.
She smiled and made her way over, skirt swaying and hair gliding past her shoulders.

Shit. Shit. Be cool, Syd.

"Hey." My voice cracked a little as I spoke. Way to go, Sydney.
"Hi!" She said, accent strong, stopping in front of us, Dina grinning at her.

She's british? That's so fucking cool.

"Sit, sit." Dina pointed beside me, [Y/N] taking her seat and smiling at me.
"I'm, [Y/N]. [Y/N] Ricci."
"Sydney Novak. Just c-call me Syd." Why was I so nervous. Fuck.

"So, as I was saying..." Said Dina, her hands on the table.
"Just give him a chance, Syd."
"Oh, my God." Scoffed [Y/N] from beside me, "Is she talking about Brad again?" She smirked as Dina rolled her eyes.

At least I'm not the only one.

"I mean, come on, there's gotta be someone you sort of like? Just a little." Dina tilted her head side to side as she spoke.

Did I like someone? Maybe. Was I going to tell her? No.

"I don't know. I just guess I haven't really thought about it." I lied, Dina seemed to buy it- but [Y/N] gave me a small smirk, and a narrowed eyed glance.


[Y/N]'s POV

I knew Syd lied. But I only just met the poor girl, I wasn't going to interrogate her... yet. She seemed sweet too.
"How about you, [Y/N]? Anyone stolen your heart? Swept you off your feet?" Dina asked, wiggling her eyebrows and resting her chin on her hand.

Did I like someone? Maybe. Was I going to tell her? No.

"Nope. I wish I did- really- but no. Like Syd said, I haven't really thought about it." It both was and wasn't a lie. But I'd always been a good liar, so it wasn't too hard.
"Well, think about it." Dina looked between the two of us. Both me and Syd sipping the remains of the milkshake.

"And then maybe we can all go to homecoming together, like a triple date kind of thing."
Before either me or Syd could speak, no one other than Bradley Lewis came towards our table.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw and call me Heather. I do not like him.


3rd Person POV

"Hey, babe." Said Brad, slipping in to sit beside Dina, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Sorry I'm late." He leaned over to kiss Dina's cheek, making her giggle and Syd grimace. [Y/N] widened her eyes but stared at the glass of the milkshake, puffing out her cheeks.
"All good, babe." Dina continued to giggle.

Syd and [Y/N] shared a quick glance of 'ew they call each other babe'.
"Hey, Syd." Said Brad, finally acknowledging the other two girl's existence, "...[Y/N]." He added, looking her up and down, making [Y/N] frown and roll her eyes.

"Bradley." Syd said plainly, gritting her teeth through her fake smile.
"What? No 'hello, Brad?" He teased and said to [Y/N].
"No." She said bluntly, "I'm getting a milkshake."
Brad's smirk dropped, Dina sighed, and Syd bit back a laugh.

[Y/N] pushed up from her seat and made her way over to the counter.
"Hi, can I please have a small, vanilla milkshake?" She pulled out her purse and paid, taking her drink back to the booth as she sat besides Syd again.


Syd's POV

"Jesus, do you ever smile?"
Could Bradley please just shut up for five fucking minutes and stop eating all my fries.

Not today.

Dina came and sat down next to him again, having got her ketchup as she handed it to Brad.
"So, what have we decided?" She asked.
"Whatever you want, babe."

Please. Please stop.

[Y/N] took her seat, sipping on her new milkshake as she smiled warmly at me, but all I could focus on was Bradley. God, I fucking hate him.

I wish you would just stop talking. Wipe that smug smile off his stupid, stupid face.

I felt a weird anger bubble inside me as [Y/N], Dina, and Bradley's voices faded, a ringing being the only thing I could hear.
Out of the blue, a trail of blood began to trickle from Bradley's nose as he jumped back in his seat.

Wait. What?


3rd Person POV

"Oh, shit!" Bradley tried to wipe away the blood, Dina grabbing tissues while [Y/N] absentmindedly sipped on her milkshake, looking up with a small smirk as she watched Bradley wiggle around in his seat- blood covering the tissues.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a whiny and pouty voice, frowning and stirring her straw.
Dina sent her a glare but continued to try and stop her boyfriend's nose bleed.
"Gimme a minute, okay? Gimme a minute." Bradley gently pushed Dina away, trying to sort it out himself.
Shocked and slightly confused, Syd watched with wide eyes- wondering what the fuck just happened.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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