Holding the ice over my knuckles I can feel them throbbing. That kind of throbbing pain that is noticeable no matter how much you try and forget it. Conor entered the dressing room again and smiled.
"I got you some water." He placed a plastic cup of water next to me.
"Thanks" I commented, before changing the subject. "You're gonna need to get your face looked at, though..." I nodded towards the mirror.
"Oh God! I didn’t even notice... I've bled over my top!" Conor touches his split lip and winces. "How can I go out on stage tonight looking like this?"
I give an unimpressed look. "Conor, you sound like a girl. Come on now. Let’s just get the medic guy over here!"
Conor nods and leaves the room to fetch the medic. I take the ice off my knuckles and look at the swelling and bruising. Damn it, how am I gonna explain this one? Although part of me felt bad for hitting the guy, the other part felt a sense of pride; I actually helped someone! ME! I actually threw a real punch, did some real damage and am now really trying to recover from it. It made me feel happy. Which means I think I got my answer. I get my phone out and message Paula 'Can you put me down for the course please? Sorry I can’t call, am busy at the moment. Will call as soon as I can. Ella'
Conor and the medic rush back into the room and are mid-conversation.
"And she came over and SMACK, just punched him in the face!"
I look up, confused for a second, but realising the hero in this conversation was me. The medic gives my hand the once over and nods.
"Nothing is broken, which is good, but that’s gonna take a while to sort out... If you go to the hospital anyway -"
Conor interrupts. "Well she can't go out there on her own, can she? He could still be on the floor, clutching his face and planning his revenge!"
I shake my head and whisper 'I'm fine' whilst the medic checks Conor's face. He explains the whole story to the medic, just in case the police decided to make an appearance. But I knew that if they did, it wouldn’t be because of the truth. That guy would say he was having an innocent fan to artist conversation and I just smacked him. He'd never admit to the police that HE hit Conor and I came in to help... Never! Why I even got myself involved in this I’ll never know! Literally just got an offer on a course and I punch someone in the face (there's a lot more to it obviously, but would they see it like that?) I jump as my phone vibrates, Paula. 'Put your name in for the course. Really shouldn’t be texting to sort it out, against policy, but I’ll say you rang.' I do love her, she's put so much more effort in with me. Now everyone wonders 'Ew why do you have your jobcentre helper's mobile number?' Long story. Going back to when I got fired from my last job. But I’m not here to explain myself, am I?
"You're both ok, luckily. Conor, just keep it clean and and use e45 or Vaseline, whichever, to try and help it along. You know I’m gonna have to call your manager down to speak with you, Conor, yeah?"
"Yes." Conor says reluctantly as the medic walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Eurgh. Really don’t want to explain this all over again..." Conor stands up and paces round the room.
"Erm, Conor?" I ask, "What was that whole thing about anyway?" I pretended not to know it had something to do with that guy's girlfriend. Well, I didn’t KNOW, but that’s what I heard him say as I walked up. If he lies about this I’m going to throw a fit...
"I don’t have a clue. He just walked up to me and started shouting at me, punched me so I punched him back!"
I shake my head and look at the floor. He lied.
"Really?" I questioned. "So it had nothing to do with that guy's girlfriend? I assume he made that up just to have a reason to punch you?" I turn away, facing the door, getting ready to make a quick exit. There was silence. I was tempted to turn around and see the possibly guilty face of a 'celebrity'. Honestly, I barely knew who this guy was. His name only rang a bell because of my friend, Hannah. Hannah spent her life on her computer, browsing the Internet for hours and hours on end. She had a soft spot for covers of songs she loved on YouTube. One day I met up with her at her house, and she had this song cover on 'Only Girl In The World'. Before I’d even had a chance to look at the screen, she turned to me. 'Is it possible to love someone you've never met? Or two people?' she whispered to me. She turned the screen and I saw these two guys, Conor and Anth, singing this song and making it their own and it was great. However, I had to say to her she couldn’t love guys she'd never met and we carried on our day. Months later and I’m in his dressing room, she would have killed me.
"It's not what it sounded like! But I don’t need to explain myself to you" He spat at me defensively.
I could have walked out right then, silently, with my pride intact. But no. I had to say something.
"No, it's alright. I understand. Cos you totally had the situation under control!" And I walked out of the room and out of the building. 'What a stupid thing to do' I realised seconds after, when i saw them there. Standing outside were the Police, with this guy I punched earlier.
"That's her!" He hissed, pointing his sausage finger straight in my direction. Shit. Do I run or not? Run? Or Not? I turned round and banged on the stage door. 'Please, please answer the door' I say under my breath. I shut my eyes and hope, but someone grabs my arms and holds them behind my back.
"No point trying to escape! You're coming down to the station!" I knew this policeman had already made up his mind who was guilty in this. Maybe that guy was his friend outside of work? Who knows. But now I’m going to end up in a jail cell. Great. As I get pulled towards the police car, handcuffs cutting into my wrists, I turn and look at the stage door, which has just been opened by the medic. He peers out and sees me being taken to the police car before running back inside. Thanks for all the help. Douche.
New Job (Conor Maynard and One Direction Fan Fiction)
FanfictionA difficult year leads Ella to make some choices in life she wouldnt usually make. She accepts a job she wouldnt never have thought about that leads her to meet the likes of Conor Maynard and One Direction. How does this affect her life? Not your ty...