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i sat on jeonghans lap as the boys and me was watching a movie of friends going on a roadtrip "guys, i would love to go on a road trip with you all" i said cuddling into jeonghan more "we should do a trip around korea" hoshi said smiling "id like that" mingyu said smiling, "then why dont we get ready to pack and leave tomorrow but make sure not to bring a lot"scoups said, we all nodded and got up and began to pack, i sat on me and jeonghans bed "so who will be in each car" i asked him "well i will drive one car with me and you maybe with joshua, mingyu and dino, then scoups driving the other with hoshi, seungkwan, dk and jun then the8 drive with wonwoo, vernon and woozi" he said, i smiled "that works" i said.

i woken by hearing hoshi yell out for evryone to be ready in 20 minutes, i rolled over and groaned, i opened my eyes to see jeonghan smiling "morning beautiful" he said, moving my hair strands out my eyes "morning my handsome boyfriend" i said blushing and rubbing my eyes "why dont we get ready for the trip" he said sitting up, i nodded and got out of bed, i walked to our drawer and got out my blue demin shorts with a a black tshirt and put them on, i put on white ankle socks then with black jordens, i went to the mirror and smiled, i put my hair up into a high pony tail, "baby how do you look so perfect with out even trying" jeonghan said as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my shoulder "i do try sometimes you know" i said to him "but it doesnt seem like it, you look so perfect here lets take a mirror picture" he said as he got his phone out, he kissed my cheek and took it, "you look so cute" he said "i dont" i said smiling, "you do" he said kissing my neck lightly, "come on Y/N and jeonghan" dokyeom yelled.

i sat next to jeonghan in the passenger seat while joshua was behind me and dino was in the middle and mingyu was behind jonghan, i put in my phone to play some music, and sang along quietly, we drove off and began to leave seoul, i looked up at the sky since it was becoming a strong blue i felt a hand place on my upper leg i smiled and looked at jeonghan, mingyu and joshua began to tell eachother jokes gaining laughs from us, i looked out the window to see a mountin which took up most of the view, my eyes glistened at the sight, i rememered when me and jeoonghan went up one of the mountins when we first began to date and we had our first kiss, it was quite late at night as well.

we all smiled going past a house which had many dogs in the front yard barking or looking cute, my heart was melting from the amount of cuteness, jeonghan held my hand and smiled, "you two are so cute together" mingyu said, i blushed and held jeonghans hand more "i know we are the best" jeonghan said, i smiled and turned to the boys, one f our phones went off, i checked mine "not me" i said, joshua checked "its me, scoups messaged me saying to turn dwn the path where it leads to the river" joshua said, we turned down a pebble road and saw the two other cars ahead, we pulled up behind since the sun now began to set as we drove all day going to random places, we all got out, i was in aw to focus on what was going on around me, the sunset on the river making it reflect perfectly, i felt someone wrap the arms around me, "its beautiful jeonghan" i said holding his hand "i know, but you are more beautiful he said leaving kisses over my neck, "stop it jeonghan" i said smiling, he then began to kiss my cheek, "come on lets go and eat" he said taking my hand, i followed him to see two blankets on the floor with fd drinks and the boys, i sat next to jeonghan and rested my head on his shoulder.

we all began to talk about the trip and some of the things we saw on the way here, my eyes were scanning jeonghans face and how perfect he was, "hyung, i think Y/N is falling more in love with you" dokyeom said, he loked at me our eyes locked, "and i think ive fallen deeper for her" he said quickly kissing my lips, my lips curved into a smile, he took my hand and made me sit on his lap facing away from the boys, i rested my head on his chest and shut my eyes, jeonghan began to sing softly into my ear while the boys were talking, i wrapped my arms around his torso softly, "sleep princess" he said my eyes were getting heavy he began to draw circles on my lower back as i fell into a slumber

im sorry i took so long to update but joshuas one will be done soon, also thank you for 440 reads i remember on juns birthday have about 100 so it shot up quickly so thank you, also i may have brought more albums, one going seventeen with a joshua photo card, hoshi and the8 due and a woozi book mark then i have brought superm album getting tayong photocard now i have stray kids and ateez on the way, also my braces are off but i now have retainers

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