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i woken up to hear my phone ringing, i picked it up lazily and answered it and put it up to my ear "Y/N! you ready for today, come on wake up seventeen are gonna be there at the studio watching us and showing us some dances" my friend yelled in my ear "please quiet down i know its today, let me wake up first then i will meet you at the studio okay?" i said, i heard her moving and yelling okay, i sighed and hanged up.

i got out of bed and put on my leggings with an oversized t-shirt. i put my shoes on and walked downstairs and grabbed my bag i got ready last night and grabbed my keys and walked out the front door of my apartment.

i arrived at the dance studio and saw my friend stretching, i walked in "hey, you ready?" she said running up to me "yeah, let me put my bag in locker room and come back" i said walking out back to where the lockers were set and put my bag in mine and got my bottle out. i put my phone in my pocket in the jeans and walked back out to see my friend bowing to seventeen in the window, my eyes widen to see how tall they was considering im smaller than woozi and my friend who are the same height.

i breathed in and opened the door to have all heads turn to me "oh this is my friend who also owns the dance studio Y/N" my friend said grabbing my arm and pulling me to where she jsut stood "hi nice to meet you all" i said smiling lightly and looking at each of them, my friend was infact crazy over seventeen but i didnt know them that well. 

i walked over to our dance teacher who helped me and my friend make this dream for the dance studio come true "hey Y/N today i will be with the guys just saying how they could help you improve or if they want to be taught or they can teach you anything okay" she said to me "yeah thats fine, but i feel imtimited by the amount of guys there are to me" i said "dont worry you will be fine just do what you do best now come on lets  begin" she said to me, i walked over to my area as the boys was spilt into half so some would watch me and the other would watch my friend.

i put on my music as the studio was now in half but with a gap, "so what song will you do first" dk asked "well ive been learning a song by itzy and ive been into wannabe so i thought i would do that first" i said smiling lightly.

i finished the song and saw the members finish writing stuff down for way to improve. but jun was just looking at me in shook, was i that good? "so Y/N you done very well, your movements were solid, but i think face you should also show emotion" hoshi said "yeah i think cause i was a bit nervous i was focusing on movement more but ill focus on both next" i said smiling.

i walked outside as we said we would have a break of 45 minutes of dancing, i took a sip of my drink, and saw jun walk outside and walk to me "hey, thank you for the help today it does help a lot" i said smiling at him "its okay anytime but may i asked something" he said "yeah of course" i said taking another sip "well not in a weird way but when you shirt rised i saw a scar across your stomach may i ask what happened" he said.

i sighed and looked down "yeah, so growing up i lived in china and i was with a very close friend and his name was jun as well but we saw a guy yelling at my parent with a knife and i didnt know what to do so me and my mate ran there but the guy grabbed my away from them and he mis held his knife which then cut across my stomach" i said putting my hand over it, jun eyes widen "yeah shocking but its all okay now i was in hospital but a while but i was okay" i said lightly smiling.

"this may sound very weird but are you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" he said, i nodded how did he know? i then looked at his feature properly, "wait Wen Junhui?" i said pointing at him, he nodded, i jumped into his arms and held him "how? i knew after the knife incident you went to do acting for a while then i moved to korea but who knew you be here, in a famous group" i said crying slightly "i know but im here now" he said moving his fingers though my hair.

it was now the end and i was just sorting out my bag as i was getting ready to leave since my friend went home early and the members just left. i walked out the door and shut the door and heard some movement to see a shadow near my car, i got my keys and held them tight but move closer to see it was jun against my car "hey dont scare me like that" i said walking up to him "im sorry, but i was wondering how about me and you go on a date next week to catch up but just to be together again after all these years" he said "i would love that junnie" i said smiling unlocking my car.

well i hope you liked this, sorry for not unloading, in the holiday i had i got really caught up in dramas. my head from cracking it open is nearly healed so thats good, but i will update every few weeks, but make sure you do stay safe, and do support hoshi song spider

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