-Chapter Nine: Bang-

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So, I wore an outfit based on Eddie's outfit (since I'm doing outfits inspired by anime characters) and so I asked my mom who she thinks this outfit was inspired by. First thing she said was, "let me guess, Eddie."

Lol anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!


Warning. Contains mentions of violence, weapons, blood, and death.





{2nd Person P.O.V.}

"O-Our promise?" you stammer as Eddie smiles softly.

"Yeah. You promised we would get out of here together. So, that's what is going to happen. I am not going to shoot you," Eddie states, patting your head, "I won't let Cathy get what she wants."

Cathy simply smirks at the two of you. Eddie and you sure are interesting, that's for sure.

"E-Eddie, I still have the urge to kill you," you mumble, eyes filling with tears, "I don't want to hurt you...but the urge to kill is so strong."

Eddie nods. "I know, but...please...stay strong."

Cathy growls and stomps up to the door, opening it and entering the same room as you and Eddie.

"What is this?! I thought you were the perfect criminals! But you both are failures!" Cathy yells, "why aren't you killing each other?!"

Eddie glares at Cathy with a look of hatred.

"I know, I know! You hate me!" Cathy screams, walking up to the both of you and grabbing your arm roughly.

"Why isn't the drug working?!" Cathy screams, slapping you in the face with her whip.

"(Y/n)!" Eddie exclaims.

"Don't move or I'll shoot her," Cathy threatens, aiming one of the machine guns at you.

Eddie stays absolutely still, careful not to move an inch.

"Passing judgment on you is no fun. This is agony, (Y/n)!" Cathy whines, glaring at you, "you couldn't even let the urge to kill take over you! How did you make it this far? You're useless!"

You flinch. Those words clearly impacted you.

"Don't...call her that," Eddie says darkly, holding up the gun Cathy gave him.

"What's this? You think you can pull the trigger now?! Go ahead! Shoot me!" Cathy laughs and holds her arms out. She turns her body completely towards Eddie.

Eddie clenches his teeth and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.

Cathy giggles, "so you did have the guts to shoot at me! Even a failure criminal like you isn't completely useless! Too bad the gun wasn't loaded!"

Eddie gasps and drops the gun, staring at Cathy with wide eyes.

"I suppose I will keep you, Eddie. You aren't a complete failure so I'll pass judgment on you," Cathy smirks and laughs. The insane laugh echos throughout the room.

"Are...you going to kill Eddie?" you ask, your (e/c) eyes wide and irises small.

"Of course I will!! All criminals must pay for their sins! Now...Eddie...bang!" Cathy giggles as she fires a shot at Eddie. The bullet hits his hand, making him cry out in pain.

Let's Escape Together (Edward [Eddie] Mason x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now