-Chapter Thirteen: Serpent-

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Thank you all for your support!! This literally means so much to me. I'm glad you all enjoy my stories!


Warning. Mentions of blood, cursing, and violence.






{Eddie's P.O.V.}

I immediately jump up and back away from Danny, glaring at him.

"Hello, Eddie. I see that you have been traveling with (Y/n)...now, will you tell me where she is?" Danny says, smiling sweetly. That sweet smile was laced with sickness.

Danny's outfit was soaked with blood, a large amount coming from the chest area. It was like he was stabbed.

I cringe and shake my head, replying, "hell no!! Why would I tell you that? If i tell you, you will kill her or something!!"

Danny runs a hand through his hair and his smile slowly morphs into a frown. He tilts his head up and glares at me.

He bellows, "you scum...I'm the one who was looking at her eyes for all this time! And yet a dirt bag like you gets to have her?!"

My gaze doesn't soften, if anything, it gets harsher. He will never kill (Y/n)...never take her away from me. She is my treasure. I won't let anyone steal away my treasure like Albert did. I won't let anyone take away her final moments.

"That's enough of that nonsense!" Danny holds his arms out, "her eyes are special! I spent my whole life searching for those eyes! Alive, but somehow dead...so silent and beautiful..."

Danny places his heads on his head, clutching his hair.

"I won't let you have her eyes...! Her eyes belong to me! I've been watching them all this time!" Danny screams. After that exclamation,  his breathing becomes ragged as though he had just ran a marathon.

I clench my fist and teeth, controlling the urge to attack him. I was still a bit drowsy from that drug, I wouldn't stand a chance against him without my shovel.

"I'm not like you! I don't want her eyes, I just want her heart...she is my treasure. If anyone gets to have her final moments, it is going to be me," I state, expression darkening.

Dany flinches and begins backing away from me.

"You don't get to decide what happens to (Y/n). She gets to decide what she does," I tell him.

Danny's eyebrows furrow and his eyes widen. "She is...your treasure?" Danny mumbles. He then smiles and lets out a chuckle, placing a hand on his head, "now I know she is alive. The fact that you made it to this floor proves that."

I just look up at the taller man and roll my eyes. He's stupid and just crazy for eyes.

"Oh, I know! You must be looking for (Y/n), right? I have an idea," Danny walks up to me and leans down to my level, tilting his face next to mine.

I cringe and try my best not to step away from him.

"If you gouge out (Y/n)'s eyes and bring them to me when you find her, I'll tell you where she is," Danny mumbles, his weird tongue sticking out.

Let's Escape Together (Edward [Eddie] Mason x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now